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Tyler ended waking me up from the flight, it was starting to get dark out, which made sense, since we had departed about 2 in the afternoon. I looked out the window, and there was the cloudy, and cold Ohio I had once had peace in, from the birds eye view, it seemed so peaceful, a dark lustful green down below us. The pilot came onto the speaker, saying we would be landing in about 2 hours, I looked at Ty, he had an earbud out, 'Luxury' blasted out from it. I smiled a bit, he had given Jon Bellion a chance. He had the other earbud in his hand, offering it to me, I took it, listening to the sounds of Luxury filling my ears. I nodded slowly to music, Tyler's hand slithered into mine, gripping it tightly. I gave his hand a light squeeze, and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again Tyler was in the aisle, his hand on my shoulder, Josh peeking over his shoulder.

"Appi we gotta go."

I froze a bit, thinking of what kind of family I'd have to face soon. Either mine or Tyler's. It would probably be my own despite what Tyler said about me being over at his parents house. Ty slipped his hand in mine again, and pulled me up, we walked into the luggage pick up. Soon after we grabbed we had brought, we were ambushed by Ty's family. Or at least Ty was, me and Josh just stood there awkwardly, Josh had started to grab my arm and pull me forward when I felt him go, there was our family, with one less of a member. I didn't feel any remorse for what had happened 2 years ago, she had gotten what she deserved despite being the one who had put me into this world. If I had stuck around here any longer, she could've put my already faint light out. She put me in this world, and she could have taken me out of it. She had never gained the title of a mother, just giving birth to a human being did not automatically make you a mother. You had to work for the title to actually be considered one, mother's were supposed to be loving and caring towards their child, not abusive like I had spent my years. I had always longed to be treated like the rest of my siblings, who always had meals prepared for them, instead of learning to prepare their own without any face to face teaching. They looked excited for some reason, and I had an eyebrow arched. Ash started to rush to me, while Jordan and Abby started to walk slowly. My dad stayed in his place, a smile on his face. Ash was obviously the first one to reach me, and I received a tight hug from her, she hadn't been able to go to my wedding because something had come up.

"Oh Appi! It's been 2 years!"

I stumbled back, warming up to her touch. Ash had never been at the house much, she had moved out with her boyfriend, and didn't ever visit often. She had visited the whole month before I had moved out, since her boyfriend had gone for some time. Abby had told me that she had gotten a new boyfriend on my wedding. Jordan and Abby finally came up.

"Alright now, it's our turn."

Jordan went for a hug that I didn't bother to return, he pulled back, looking offended. "What no sugar for J-den?"

I wanted to smile so much, just at the thought that he still remembered the nickname I gave him when Josh would sneak me out at midnight to go play in the woods with them at the small age of 6. I shook my head, my face showing no signs of amusement. His expression wavered a little and he nodded stiffly. Abby studied my face for a bit, then decided not to give me a hug, her arms lowering. She nodded at Josh with a smile, noticing also that he didn't want to be hugged at all. I felt a shoulder on my hand, Jordan and Abby both backed up a bit, but Ash squealed, looking at Abby as if to ask if he was the Tyler she had thought I married. Abby gave her a curt nod, and Ash gave her a small tight smile. I craned my neck to look up at him, he was staring at all 4 of them with a hard face, he took my hand.

"Come on Appi. We have to get going."

"Actually," I flinched then, the one who called himself a father to me came up, I gave him a mild cold stare. "She's coming with us. I hope you don't mind Josh staying with you and your family?"

I saw Josh stiffen from the corner of my eye, Tyler's grip on me tightened, his stare going icy cold. My father gave the same intense stare back, and everything was tense for me then. I heard Tyler's mom give a soft but nervous whisper to Josh and Tyler.

"Come on now boys. I'm sure they want to spend some time with April."

Neither of them moved, and Josh spoke curtly, "Last time I checked, I was part of the family also."

"Yes but right now I need to have a...talk with April."

"A talk?" Tyler sounded like he didn't believe anything my father was saying at the moment, and I didn't blame him.

"Yes a talk."

"You hurt my wife and I will make sure you won't ever be able to see or touch her ever again."

"She's my daughter, why would I do that?"

"If I can remember clearly, you were never much of a father figure in her life were you? You just shut her out from the rest of the family. You left her to fend on her own in that god damned house hold. And when I come back to get her, if she or my child come out hurt, I will hurt you. Hear me sir?"

"Heard. Let's go then April." A grip tighter than Tyler's landed on my once free arm.

"At least let us say our goodbyes."

I heard a grunt of approval, and then a 'We'll wait for you in the car.' Josh pushed Tyler aside, hugging, me tightly.

"I don't know how long you'll stay in that house, but I'll make sure to be there the next day okay April?"

I nodded, and Tyler shooed Josh away, he took my face in his hands, stroking my cheek lightly, before our lips met, his kiss sweet and soft. He pulled back then, and smiled slightly.

"Pull yourself through that hell. I know you can do it. Go on now, I love you. Stay safe!"

I walked with Ash, who was kind enough to stay behind with me, out the airport. I heard a high pitched squeal and I turned around.



He hugged her tightly and spun her around, kissing her cheek. Smiling widely as if he wasn't just pissed a minute ago. My jaw locked tightly, and I clenched my fists. I walked rapidly out the door. As I got into the car, pulling out my earbuds and playing Luxury. I thought about what was about to face me back at that hell house, and whatever Tyler was doing with that stupid blonde. The trees whizzed by, and as soon as I stood in front of my old house, all the memories came rushing back into my head. A flash of red in my bedroom window was the last thing I saw before everything went dark.

{{ note. I actually love Jenna so much don't attack me.

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