Seth Rollins and Chris Jericho part 2

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Author's note: this was requested by Unstable-Charisk .

Seth's POV

I'm in a ladder match for my title tonight at Money in the Bank and I'm vsing my boyfriend Chris Jericho.

I come out to the ring and wait. Chris comes out and the match starts. We start fighting.

At the end of the match Im laying on the ground after getting a walls of Jericho. My bad knee is in pain from the walls of Jericho. I can't get up. I watch helplessly as Chris climbs the ladder and grabs my title. A few tears fall from my eyes. Chris wins the match.

"Hey baby I won!" Chris said happily once we were backstage together. I get mad. "I can't believe you beat me! Your the worst boyfriend ever! I'm done with you!" I yelled and grabbed my stuff then walked out. I got in my car and drove away.

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