Beau Chavez and Dean Ambrose

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Author's note: this was requested by @GoodAmbrose

Beau's POV

Last night is kinda blurry. But I do know I slept with Dean Ambrose last night after going out for drinks with him. We must have had a little too much to drink last night though and I found myself back in my hotel in bed next to a naked Dean. "What happened last night?" Dean asks as he wakes up. "We um slept together after drinks." I said. "Oh shit." Dean said and got up quickly. He gets dressed in a rush. "You can't tell anyone about this ok? Renee can't know." Dean said. "Yeah ok I won't." I said. "Good." Dean said and leaves in a hurry.

A week passes and I'm finding it harder and harder to keep my mouth shut about what happened between me and Dean. Especially since I have to see his wife at work everyday. Finally I can't take it anymore and I go to Renee to apologize.

"Renee I'm so sorry. I- I slept with your husband Dean a week ago. We went to a bar and got drunk and I took him back to my hotel room and we had sex. But it meant nothing I swear. I'm so sorry. He told me not to tell you but it was killing me inside." I told her. "I can't believe you! You bitch!" Renee yelled and stormed off.

One month later

Renee pretty quickly told everyone what happened between me and Dean and I become the most hated person on the roster. But I had news. News that would only make things so much worse.

I found Dean in his locker room with Renee and they are having some kinda argument probably about me. Renee tries to keep me out but I convince them I'll say my peace and then they will never have to see me or talk to me again. Dean starts yelling at me because he hates my guts. Tears form in my eyes and I give up because I've had enough of all this and I toss the positive pregnant test at their feet leaving them both speechless.

Wwe one ShotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora