Chapter Three

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After a long first day at school I quickly jumped in my car and made my way to 'The Rage'. I had no classes till 6pm but I wanted to fit in a few hours to work on a new routine.

An hour into rehearsals I'd made improvements to about half of my choreography. As I was about to start the music again I saw Rydel walk in. "Hey!" She smiled. "I thought you would be here!" She walked over and hugged me tight. That's one thing I regret over the summer, not seeing my best friend. "I've missed you" She pulled back and smiled. "I've missed you too. Sorry I haven't been over, or seen you. Been busy..." I trailed off.
"Don't worry about it, my summer was pretty busy too. Now need any help with this routine?" She asked while
starting to stretch.
"I guess so. Warm up and I'll teach you!"

Two hours later me and Rydel finished working on a perfect routine. "This will be great for my audition!" I squealed.

"Audition for what?"

"I've been given the chance to audition for an amazing performing arts school in New York. I have to audition a music piece and a dance piece to see if I can get a scholarship!"

"Oh my god! Edie that's amazing!"

"I'm so excited!"

"Come on let's run through it one more time"

*Ross's POV*

I walked through the doors. No one was home to go and pick up Rydel from dance. I didn't understand why she couldn't just drive herself. Walking through the halls of 'The Rage' just brought back so many memorise. Before Disney, Austin & Ally, anything. When me and my siblings would come and have the time of our lives. I walked into studio one and saw Rydel and Edie practising a routine. They hadn't noticed me so I quickly snuck to the corner and sat down.

I couldn't keep my eyes of Edie. She wore her black dance shorts and a baggy grey t-shirt that fell off her shoulder and when she jumped showed off her amazing body. She was just so gorgeous and amazing and-

I shook my head. No! Stop! Edie and I are over. I have a new girlfriend. Who's amazing. I needed to stop going back and thinking about Edie.

But it was just so hard.

The music stopped and Rydel and Edie gave each other a quick hug and turned around. Edie's smile instantly dropped when she saw me. I gave her a little wave but she turned her back to me and ignored me. I laughed a little to myself. Same old Edie.

"Do you want a ride home?" Rydel asked her.

"No thanks, I'm teaching in-"

Just then mine and Rydel's old dance teacher Sophie walked into the studio. "Hey Edie, classes are canceled for tonight. You can go home!"

"Oh. I guess I'm not then. No it's ok I'll get Dylan to pick me up"

"No! Ross will take you home. Come on grab your stuff"

"No, Rydel-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer, go and get in the car"

She sighed and grabbed her bags and followed Rydel out the studio. I laughed and she turned and glared at me. I went quiet so I didn't piss her off even more.

By the time we reached our street we arrived outside my house. Rydel climbed out the car. "I'm heading in now, so Ross will drop you home quick. See you soon!" She smiled and ran to the front door.

Edie only lived a few houses down. But because of road works I had to drive the long way around. As much as Edie tried to persuade me to just let her walk to her door I wasn't having it. Even though we're not together I still want her safe and I wanted her to know that.

"So...any ideas for the assignment?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence. "Nope" She replied popping the 'p'. I rolled my eyes. "Edie you're going to have to talk to me sooner or later"
"I know. But I choose later"

"Just because we're not-"

"If you talk about our relationship I swear I will get out of this car right now"

"Ok. Never mind"

As much as I wanted her to talk to me. She always has a way to remind me how stubborn she is.
We finally pulled up outside her house. "Thanks" She mumbled and climbed out the car and entered her house.

Why was it so hard to get her out of my head.

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