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It all started on a crisp and chilly morning. God, this sounds so cliché already but it was the first thing that I had noted that morning as I trudged the short distance from my pokey flat in central London to the nearest tube station. I had inherited the flat some 2 years previously from a distant aunt. I can't claim to have been that close to her and so, I guess she took pity on a poor relative and left it to me in her will.

I loved how my flat was on the sixth and top floor of a block of flats. I had the best view of the London skyline. I guess it was a tourists dream. It had been furnished when I moved in and I had to admit, I loved the Art Deco furniture, real wood floors and the slight retro feel to the place.

I, on the other hand, hated living in London. I dreamed of the countryside. The peace and quiet. The chocolate box houses that I always saw in magazines and house programmes. The picket fence and ivy climbing up the walls. It seemed like everyone was selling up and moving but me.

I guess part of me was scared. I wanted the quiet life but I didn't know where to start.

I guess I should introduce myself. I am Amy and I am 26 years old. I work in one of London's top agencies, as a PA for famous clients. I love my work and all that it offers. I had recently finished working for a famous footballer (who shall remain nameless), now that he had finally made the decision to retire from professional life. He felt that his family and his health should come first but sky had snapped him up as a commentator before his signature was on the paperwork.

I was therefore working my butt off to secure a new client and had I known how today would pan out, I would have dressed a little more feminine. Not that I dress down, but I do like comfortable clothes, as my best friend Lucy always tells me. Today I had chosen a black pencil skirt and white blouse. I had matched this with some black low heels and black tights.

I was a natural brunette and had always loved my hair long and had decided to leave it down this morning, though I knew I would regret this by the evening with the wind howling around me. I had left my make up to a minimum, going for a more natural look which meant a bit of lipgloss and some mascara.

I pulled my coat tighter around me and ploughed through the wind until I reached the tube station. I stood on the platform, thinking to myself. I pulled my schedule from my handbag and went over the meetings for today.

My gaze fell to one meeting in particular. Three o'clock. Meeting with Simon Cowell. Now, I wasn't silly. I knew this would be important. But why would he want to meet with myself?. A smile came to my face. Maybe he has the client of the century that he wants me to represent. A famous pop star. I hope they won't be too stuck up and demanding.

I was pulled out of my daydream by the sound of the train and before long, I was being whisked the five stops to my small but cosy office, with me becoming ingrained in my new romantic novel that the Guardian recommended but I was finding it hard to get my head round.

It didn't make sense. How could the couple not end up together?. They had spent so long getting to know each other and then it all falls apart with one mistake. One infidelity. How could he do this to her when she seems so perfect for him?. Why would he want someone else when he idolised her and had even planned to propose to her?. To offer her the perfect life.

The thought kept going through my head as I walked into the office building of Saville and CO. I had been hired straight out of university and though I liked to think that I had that spark that attracted them to hire me, I had to remember that my uncle ran the agency. At times, I felt that I had to prove myself twice as much as others there due to this.

This had led to the demoralising fact that I was single. Not even a hint of a bite. I had had relationships in the past, but nothing that I would call serious. Lucy was always trying to set me up on blind dates but I could never bring myself to go. I guess I had resided myself to the fact that I was married to my job and nothing was going to change that for the immediate future. I was going to become some crazy cat lady, living alone and eating microwave meals for the rest of my life.

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