PART 18...

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Wednesday morning saw me waking with excitement as I was getting to meet Arianwen and David's wife, Sarah. I felt that I had heard so much about them already and only hoped that they would like me.

Seb lay there, sleeping peacefully. I leaned over and whispered, "wake up sleepyhead". No movement. I was too excited to go back to sleep and looking at the clock, I noticed that it was already 10a.m. I climbed out of bed and made my way into the shower. I still found myself using Seb's body wash and the smell of it was invigorating. Deciding on a casual look for the day, I poured myself into black skinny jeans and a pink floyd t-shirt.

Wandering into the kitchen, it wasn't long before the first cup of coffee had been drunk and I was stood there, music blaring and preparing breakfast. I was so engrossed in my little cooking dance that I nearly jumped out of my skin when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Morning gorgeous. I could get used to being woken up with breakfast", Seb laughed, placing a kiss on my neck.

"Well, they do say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach", I replied, turning to face him.

"In that case, feed me beautiful".

Piling the dirty plates into the dishwasher, Seb called David and then Urs to find out the plans for the day. Arianwen was flying in from Norway and Sarah was flying in from America. I knew I would have to face the whole long distance thing but deep down, I really wanted it to work and I knew Urs and David had managed it well enough.

Placing the phone down, Seb poured himself a coffee and sat besides me on the sofa. "Ok, the plan is to meet at Urs flat later this evening. Carlos is bringing food and it sounds like a quiet night".

Turning the DVD player on, we settled down to watch city of angels. Another one for my favourite films. As the credits rolled, I turned and saw Seb leant against the back of the sofa, asleep. 

Placing a kiss on his forehead, I whispered, "I can't ever hide from you. You see through the walls I've built around myself. You see right through them and into the real me".

Seb smiled. Obviously not sleeping and I began to blush.

"If it helps", he replied, "you broke down all of mine when you first kissed me. Every single brick crumbled under your stare until it was just me and you".

Six o'clock and more movies later, we decided to go and raid the local supermarket for alcohol as we didn't want to turn up empty handed and it wasn't long before we were knocking on Urs flat in Notting hill and he quickly opened the door.

Enveloped in a hug, I was soon ushered, along with Seb, into the living room where the gathering had already started.

"Amy, I would like to introduce you to my beautiful girlfriend Arianwen", Urs spoke and I came face to face with who I could have mistaken for a model. Piercing blue eyes and green hair with blue ends.

"Whilst we're on introductions", I heard David speak. "I would really love to introduce my wife Sarah to you" and my gaze fell to a gorgeous blonde sat next to him on the sofa. I could tell she was tall like David.

"It's lovely to meet you both", I answered as Urs threw a can of lager at me and everyone laughed as I battled to catch it unceremoniously. Seb and I sat together on an old, battered armchair. Well, sprawled across his lap would have been a better description.

Conversation flowed and I soon felt like good friends with Arianwen and Sarah as we arranged to go out shopping the next day without the guys.

"I think we need a little girl bonding time", I spoke. "They'll be able to tell me all your funny and embarrassing stories cariad", I laughed. 

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