PART 13...

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Friday came around too quickly and it wasn't long before everyone was in the Manchester arena, sound check completed and awaiting the start of the concert. The guys had been through hair and make-up and they looked impeccable as ever. 

Taking the stage, the crowd went wild as per usual and women were shouting and throwing gifts at the guys. Seb and David had informed me that they had planned a little "talk with the audience", as they called it and I sat back in my chair, eager to hear what they had planned.

After the fourth song, David thanked the crowd for supporting the group and for being there for them before starting their monologue.

"Well, we hope that your all enjoying the show tonight and we're happy that we have all of you here", David spoke, pointing to the crowd.

"But, there is one thing that we didn't expect tonight and that's the weather", Seb continued as he exhaled deeply.

David continued. "You'll have to excuse me for one second", he said as he then proceeded to undo his bow tie to the cheers and wolf whistles from quite a few women in the crowd. I started to laugh, not knowing what they had planned. "You do realise it's just a tie", he laughed and I heard someone shout out and both David and Seb started laughing.

"What did you say?. That's a start?", David continued. 

"I think you'll need to take him out for dinner first", Seb butted in, patting David on the back. "Moving swiftly forward... A couple of years ago, when we started this thing called il divo, the four of us had absolutely no clue what we were doing. On the first day of meeting each other and going into the recording studio, they gave us a pile of stuff and we thought, what are we going to do with this?".

David continued. "We all came from different musical backgrounds, we all came from different countries. It was all quite confusing. We did figure out that on one end of the spectrum, we had pop music and on the other end we had opera and in this gray, middle area, that was going to be il divo". Pretending to throw some dice across the stage, he continued "and go". 

Seb took over at that point. "It wasn't a very good road map. It was like groping around in the dark". At that point the cheers and wolf whistles started up again and I was in fits of laughter. Seb looked surprised and replied "not that kind of groping... Where are your minds?...That is just inappropriate...I feel dirty now... Moving swiftly forward" and they introduced the next song.

I don't think I had laughed that hard for quite some time and Seb looked in my direction and sent me a wink as I replied with a thumbs up, to tell him I loved it. It was like the il divo comedy hour and I knew that they had to do this again and again. The women loved it.

Finishing the show, everyone headed back to the hotel and Carlos made his way up to his room while everyone else wound down in the hotel bar. The show was moving onwards the next day and sleep was needed but the adrenaline hadn't worn off yet.

We decided to take the party to Carlos' room as he was still finding it hard to walk and Urs and I decided to get the tequila and lemons. Knocking on the door, he opened and seemed surprised.

"Hey you", I spoke. "We thought we would all come and see you and we brought supplies", I laughed, showing him the alcohol. 

We all piled into Carlos' room and it wasn't long before we were all sprawled across sofas and chairs. Urs had spoken to his girlfriend and I discovered that she was coming to the London shows. I couldn't wait to meet her. She sounded lovely. 

"Her name is Arianwen", Urs spoke, obviously a man in love. "She is gorgeous, obviously, has green eyes and at the moment, blue hair with green on the ends. She loves heavy metal music like me and motor bikes". I could see why they were so compatible when he showed me a picture and yes, she is stunning. "We met at a concert in London about six months ago and I fell in love straight away".

David's wife was going to try and make it from America as well and I vowed that we would have some time together. I thought that a well deserved shopping day was in order.

"Drinking game", Urs shouted and it turned into a very loud game of paranoia with everyone sat in a circle. The rules were simple. The person to your left whispered a question in your ear and the answer was the name of someone in the circle. You shouted out the answer and if anyone wanted to know what the question was, they had to drink their shot.

Urs whispered in my ear, "who is the most funniest in the group?".

I replied "David". Of course, he necked his drink, wanting to know and I told him with him denying it but then agreeing.

I whispered in Seb's ear. "Who gets the most ladies?".

"Urs", he answered ,"but not anymore. I'm a one woman man", he laughed. "I'll hand that title to Carlos now". I looked towards Carlos and he was sat there being quiet. Too quiet. It went on with us finding out that David has the most hair products, Urs liking to sing in the shower, seb liking to sing nursery rhymes and Carlos liking to have spray tans.

Finally, Urs whispered in Carlos' ear. "Amy", he shouted but after I drank my drink, he refused to answer and said that he was going to bed. "That's not fair, I want to know the question". Again, Carlos changed the subject and stood up, making his way to bed.

Eventually, sleep overcame us all and Seb and I curled up on the sofa, too tired to make our way back to our room. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep after a very long day.

I woke up, noticing it was still dark. I needed the bathroom and after moving from next to Seb, I managed to find my way without falling over anything but then banged the bathroom door loudly. Hoping I hadn't woken anyone up, I finished and washed my hands.

Leaving the bathroom and making sure I didn't bang the door again, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Spinning around to shout at Seb for scaring me, I felt myself pushed up against the wall and a pair of lips press against mine. Trying to kiss me.

I pushed myself backwards and raised my hand, slapping whoever it was and as my eyesight adjusted to the light, it was... Carlos.

"What the hell", I whispered. "You promised you would never do that again unless I asked you to. You have to stop this. You are not going to come between me and Seb", and that was when I saw the look of defeat in his eyes. 

"You wanted to know what the question was earlier?", he whispered and I nodded. "I was asked who could I see myself falling in love with".

"This will never happen again Carlos", I spoke "and if your any kind of gentleman, this will go no further. Goodnight", I continued before making my way back to Seb and cuddling up to him before going back to sleep but my dream confused me. In my dream, I was with Seb but why were his eyes honey brown now?.......

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