PART 41.

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Amy felt like an emotional rollercoaster was playing itself in her mind and under normal circumstances, she would have shouted to get off but this was different. This was...


This was like someone had taken every thought in her head and had scrambled them around but eventually laid them out, end to end, allowing her to see the destination. It was like someone had taken her favourite music playlist and was now playing it back to her on shuffle. She loved it. She wanted more. She wanted to sit there and let it all envelope her in a cocoon.

Amy had entered France as a fiancé and would be leaving as a wife.

And she couldn't wait....

Sitting in the secluded restaurant, Amy and Seb were soon joined by the three amigos. Settling down with the most delicious food and even allowing herself a glass of wine, Amy thought that she must now know what heaven felt like.

"So, what shall we all get up to whilst we're here?", David enquiried.

Amy thought for a moment before replying. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but baby and I are going to take full advantage of the peace and quiet, the sun and the facilities here. They have a spa here so I shall be making myself all bridal".

"So, we actually have some free time before the show?", Carlos laughed. "Maybe, I can come to the spa with you?".

"I don't know what you mean", Amy answered. "I've arranged a photo shoot for you all tomorrow afternoon and I thought that we could do that around the pool and even in the botanical garden. Make it relaxed and the women will love it".

"So, I can wear my speedos", Carlos continued.

"You'd wear your speedos on stage if you could", David suddenly replied. 

"I can't help it if I look that amazing and that all the women love me", he answered.

"You seriously need a good woman to tame those wild ways. Remember, Lucy will be here in a few days", Amy spoke whilst wagging her finger at him.

"But, will she tame him?", Seb suddenly spoke as his phone beeped indicating a message. Looking at his phone for a moment and smiling, he continued. "My mother. She says she can't wait to meet us and she can't believe that we're in the same country now".

Conversation casually continued into the evening before Amy and Seb decided to take a walk down to the hotel's private beach.

Sitting on the sand, Amy leant her head so that it was resting on Seb's shoulder. Inter-linking their fingers, Seb spoke. "How about we take a swim?".

Amy gasped. "The others could see us and won't the water be cold?".

Seb laughed, as standing, he reached for Amy's hand and brought her to her feet. Removing everything bar his boxer shorts, Seb made his way to the water and it wasn't long before Amy had gathered up the courage, relented and joined Seb in the water. Her bra and pants being the only items covering her.

"How did I let you talk me into this?", Amy gasped as the cold of the water hit her.

"It's not cold", Seb laughed as he took Amy's hands and encouraged her to follow him further into the crystal clear waters. Standing close to one another, Amy shuddered from the chill.

Noticing a buoy out in the water, Amy pointed at it. "Race you to it".

About to dive into the water, Seb gently grabbed her arm, bringing her to a stop. "It's too far Amy and too dangerous. There could be an undertow and I don't want you to get hurt".

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