PART 43.

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"It's Thursday", Amy hurriedly text to the guys as she woke, the glorious sun-shine streaming through the ornate windows. It wasn't long before she receieved a reply.

"Do you realise what time it is?", David messaged, clearly having been woken from sleep. "I was enjoying a really good dream there. I was...".

"I don't think I want to know what your dream was about Mr Miller but I do know that It's about time that you messaged your gorgeous wife devilish divo", Amy hurriedly messaged back. "I think that she would be on her way to the airport about now. Remember to tell her that I can't wait to see her".

"Your a life saver", David answered. "I must have slept through my alarm clock. I owe you big time. Give me a few minutes and I'll be back".

"So, what is so special about today?", Urs text. "I know Arianwen isn't arriving until the morning, so I think I will just go back to sleep and enjoy the lay-in".

"Hold that thought", Amy responded. "I've had a last minute request from France 2 television station for you to do a lunch-time chat show. I messaged them the other week, hoping for you guys to get some air time as you begin your time here in France and I only got the confirmation last night whilst I was asleep. Something about replies getting caught up in the cyber highway and all that".

"It's a good thing we love you then", Urs replied. "I could have done with the extra time in bed but I'll forgive you this time".

"Why thank you mr Buehler. Do we know if Carlos is awake?", Amy asked as she tried to wake Seb. "And does anyone know how to wake up a deep sleeping man?. Seb's refusing to stir".

"I would suggest some very cold water", Carlos suddenly messaged "and good morning to you all. So what is going on, I believe you would say, what's the 4,1,1?".

Amy couldn't help but laugh as she messaged back. "Carlos, I don't think I'll ever call it the 4,1,1 and no need to worry about Seb. He woke up with me laughing at your last message and now he's looking at me with a very puzzled expression. You wait until I tell him about the cold water trick to wake him up".

Amy continued, "I need you all to get downstairs in an hour. That's enough time for us all to get ready. We can meet for breakfast and then make our way over to the studio. They'll be asking you some questions and then it will be one song and we can grab lunch before sound check for this evening".

"I'm back", David interrupted. "Sarah got to the airport early. She said that she wanted to do some duty free shopping before she gets on the plane and she can't wait to see you too".

"I am awake now", Seb suddenly text, making Amy laugh as once again, he was in the same room. "Amy, could you make me a cup of coffee?".

"Mr Izambard. You can make your own coffee and you don't have to text for that. Right, on that note, meet you all downstairs in the restaurant in an hour. Clothes are being provided by the television station. I asked very nicely, so just dress casually".

Placing her phone down on the bed-side table, Amy noticed that Seb had switched on the kettle and was spooning coffee into a mug. Boy, it smelt rather good. Amy couldn't help it. "How about you make me a cup of that, my gorgeous fiancé?".

"I don't know about that", Seb laughed. "You woke me up this morning. What's it worth?".

Amy looked at Seb with a devilish smile as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Leaning in, Amy whispered. "Well, tonight will be our last night together before  we get married. How about we make it special?".

Seb reached out and took a second mug before answering. "Coffee it is then", he laughed. "The things I would love to do to you right now".

"Save those thoughts cariad", Amy replied. "Coffee and then we need to make a move".

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