PART 14...

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"Seb, my head hurts", I whispered looking at my phone and realising it was nine in the morning. I hadn't meant to sleep in so late, but laying here on the sofa with Seb's arm wrapped around me was too enticing. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck and if we weren't alone, I may have...

Hearing him laugh, I knew that he was awake. "Well that may be as you and Urs drank a lot of tequila last night", he laughed in response. "I even think at one point, you both started singing".

"I think I can feel a herd of heffalumps jumping around in there", I laughed and Seb looked at me with a puzzled expression before I guessed that he hadn't understood. "Heffalumps are from winnie the pooh", I laughed.

"ok, now I understand", he laughed.

"But the tequila was nice at the time", I continued "Urs made me drink them but I think I need to get some paracetamol and a lot of coffee".

"Hey, don't blame me", came a voice from the other side of the room and I soon realised that it was Urs. "You kept telling me to pour you another and that you could drink me under the table".

"I'm going to call Arianwen and tell her what you made me do", I laughed as I took a picture of his morning after face and not so tidy hair. "I think she'll like to see this one".

"You wouldn't", he laughed in return as he made to get out of bed and then realised that he wasn't decent.

"I sure would", I replied but then again, I may just keep this in case you annoy me and I can use it against you. Victory will be mine".

"whatever", Urs said "but will someone please order the coffee".

Saturday had landed on me with a bang and it was fair to say that there were more than just me that were nursing a bad head. Urs looked a sight and Carlos emerged, looking like he hadn't slept. I wasn't going to bring up the events of the previous evening and put it down to the alcohol. Our gazes locked and I swear that I saw him mouth the word sorry. I simply nodded.

We all poured ourselves out of our makeshift beds.

"you coming to the gym?", David spoke looking fresh faced. He had stuck to the soft drinks last night. Well, maybe just a few cosmos but hardly anywhere near Urs and myself. "I need to work out".

Needless to say, I couldn't refuse and it wasn't long... well, two coffees and the paracetamol later, that I was pounding the treadmill with David telling me that I could do better. Seb had decided to stay behind and said that he would sort out our luggage, ready to leave for Sheffield later.

"Hey you, at least I'm making an effort", I replied. "I could have just wallowed in my misery and left your butt to this alone".

David laughed and we managed an hour of pure torture, but I knew that my body would be thankful for it later. We sat down, water in hand and David looked at me puzzled.

"Your scaring me David. What's up?".

"Amy, I need to ask you a question and I respect your answer", he began. "I overheard things between Carlos and yourself last night. Did you really hit him?".

@I looked down at my feet and took in a breath before looking up. "Yes, I did hit Carlos last night and he deserved it. I didn't like that way that he was telling me that he likes me too and that he wanted something to happen between us. I couldn't do that to Seb. I like him...god, my feelings are so mixed up here. I couldn't do that to Seb. It happened to me before and I know how it feels. I want Carlos to back off but he keeps coming back. Please don't say anything to the others. I need to work this out".

David nodded. "I like your style girl. I know you feel a lot for Seb and right now, neither of you need to be hurt. I hope that Carlos does get the picture and no, I won't say anything. I just needed to know that you weren't playing with fire. It's the last thing that we need right now".

"I'm not out to create a scandal", I replied. "Thankyou for caring", and I soon found myself drawn into a very sweaty hug. "David, as nice as a hug that was, please go and have a shower. We need to get going soon and you do smell".

We made our way back up to our rooms and opening the door, I was met with Seb encasing me in a hug.

"Seb, I need to shower", I laughed and entering the bathroom, I turned on the water and peeled myself out of my sweaty gym clothes before standing underneath the blissful water. I soon felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist and kisses being placed on my neck. I found myself starting to moan and tilted my neck to allow Seb better access. God, this guy could turn me on so fast.

Turning to meet his gaze, I let my hands wander over the curves of his body and found myself still amazed at the sight of him naked. His abs, his biceps, the v line...I was getting carried away.

"See something you like", Seb whispered in my ear.

"Maybe", I answered before I soon found myself pushed against the shower wall, feeling his hardness pressing into my hip and the water continuing to run down our bodies. My body felt on fire and I thought that I would truly explode before he really touched me.

"Amy, what are you doing to me?", he whispered. "I need you so badly".

I could find no other words to answer him with than, "I need you too" as we made love to each other. Feeling euphoric in each other's embrace.

Gasping for breath, Seb placed his hand under my chin and lifted my face so that we were gazing into each other's eyes. "Amy, is this what you really want?. Is it me that you truly want?".

I hesitated, remembering what Carlos had said to me. I simply nodded, knowing that I could be no-where else right now. "Seb, I feel so safe with you. I feel like nothing could hurt me right now".

"Do you ever wish that you could stop time, even for a short while?", Seb spoke. "I always feel that way when we are on stage and singing in front of thousands of people and I feel that way when I am with you".

My heart was beating out of my chest hearing these words. "Seb, I don't want to have an amazing few months and then it be all over in a flash when the tour is over. I don't want to experience the feelings of hurt, confusion and disappointment again. No matter what we run into and no matter how hard things get, I want us to stick together".

Seb looked deep into my eyes. So deep, I swear he could see into my very soul before answering, "I never officially asked you Amy...Veux-tu etre ma petite-amie?".

I instantly knew that he was officially asking me to be his girlfriend. I quickly answered him. "Veux-tu etre mon petit-ami?".

Sen nodded his head before saying "mon amour, oui!" and I knew that he had said yes. "Le seul vrai langage au monde est in baiser. Embrasses-moi" (The only true language in the world is a kiss. Kiss me).

That is what I did and in that moment, I lost my heart to him. Truly and only to him.

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