PART 45.

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The evening had begun. This, in Lucy's words was going to be the best night out that they had ever had. Amy was back to smiling mode again. She had received a text message from Seb, telling her how much he was missing her and how he couldn't wait to say, I do and begin calling her 'My wife'.

Amy had replied eagerly saying, "I love you so much and cannot wait to call you my husband. You are and will always be my cariad. I have, for the first time, found what I can truly love- I have found you. I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together will be the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours".

Having finished getting ready, Amy and Lucy made their way down to the hotel lobby where they were soon joined by Sarah and Arianwen. Lucy went to the front desk to order a taxi as an elegantly dressed lady approached Amy. She instantly recognised her from the pictures and with a smile, they both embraced each other.

"Girls, I would love to introduce you to Marie Izambard. Sebastien's mother. Marie, these are my friends, Lucy, Sarah and Arianwen. Lucy is dating Carlos, Sarah is married to David and Arianwen is engaged to Urs".

"Enchante", Marie spoke in a soft, delicate accent before realising and starting again in English. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Thank you so much for asking me to join you all this evening. You don't mind that I'm not as young as you all are, do you?".

"Not at all", Arianwen answered, smiling.

"Your as young as you feel", Sarah continued "and we wouldn't have it any other way".

"I'm so glad that your here. I'm so excited to finally meet you", Amy spoke, her nerves about meeting Sebastien's mother slowly slipping away and finally going altogether, when Marie leant forward and hugged her again.

"I've been looking forward to meeting my daughter-in-law and may I say that you are as beautiful as my son said that you are".

Amy started to blush. "Thank you so much. Well, on that note, shall we hit the town?. I hope that your all comfortably dressed. I'm afraid Lucy made me dress up like this".

"Hey!. It's only a sash and a veil with a tiara", Lucy laughed. "I was going to get more but I knew that you would say no. We could have had an inflatable sheep for Wales or some handcuffs".

Turning to the nearest hotel guest, Lucy was soon asking him to take a group photograph and checking it afterwards, kindly announced. "I'm sending this to Seb. He's going to love it. I may also place this on your facebook and twitter accounts".

"You can't let him see me like this", Amy gasped.

"Why not?. You look very cute", Sarah replied.

"And very bridal", Arianwen continued.

"And very pregnant", Amy answered. "But I'm not going to win, am I?", she laughed, hoping that Marie wouldn't mind. Looking at her, she could see her beginning to laugh also.

"I think our night out is awaiting us", Marie spoke, as they all headed for their taxi.

"I hope that they guys don't do anything mad with Seb tonight", Amy whispered into Lucy's ear.

"It'll be fine", Lucy answered. "Carlos told me that they re just going to have some drinks in a club. He even told me the name of the club so that we don't end up in the same place as them. I believe it's Seb's favourite club to go to in Paris".

"well then. Let the night begin but remember, I'm totally non-alcoholic tonight. Baby has already had two small glasses of champagne today".

Stepping out of the taxi, on the Champs-Elysees, they soon arrived at the first club of the night. The Queen club. The place was full, with a thoroughly mixed and diverse crowd. "I love this place", Amy quickly announced as everyone made their way to the bar, ordered drinks and found themselves a booth to sit. The music was loud and the conversation flowed till the drinks were finished and it was time to hit the dancefloor.

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