PART 37.

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Amy was the first to waken the next morning. Seb was laid there beside her, laying on his front as he normally did when he was drunk. She had to laugh. He had obviously gotten in late and she toyed with whether to wake him and disturb his slumber. Deciding against it, Amy decided to get dressed and go down to the restaurant for some breakfast before going for a light session in the gym. She thought that she may disturb David and invite him to join her.

Reaching the restaurant, Amy was soon seated and ordered her favourite continental breakfast. At home, she would normally be knee deep in cereal, being the only thing that she could be bothered to make, but here, with others doing it for her, she revelled in the selection of foods that had become open to her.

As the waitress brought her breakfast over to her, she couldn't help but notice that she, along with many others already seated in the restaurant, were staring at her intently. Almost as if they knew something that she didn't. It unnerved her and Amy quickly finished her breakfast, trying to act casually before getting up and leaving in rather a hurried manner.

Walking through the hotel lobby, Amy's glance fell to the newspaper stand by the reception desk and a picture of Seb graced the cover. Picking it up, she expected to read a cute story of how he had been seen around town  with the three amigos, celebrating his engagement and upcoming wedding but this was not to be. Amy gasped when she read the headline...

CAUGHT IN THE ACT!!! followed by a rather grainy picture of Seb kissing a rather pretty blonde. Amy started to feel nauseas and needed to sit down as she felt her feet start to give way from under her. She could feel herself starting to cry but she knew that she had to get away from the public eye. She couldn't add any more fuel to the media fire by someone seeing her in a state and taking a picture to make tomorrow's headlines. Amy found the lift and without knowing where she was going, found herself knocking on a door. It opened, revealing...

"Carlos. What in the hell were you four getting up to last night?. I thought that you were all going out for some quiet drinks and then I get eyed up at breakfast by everyone. I pick up the newspaper in the lobby and find this splashed all over the front page". Amy practically threw the newspaper at Carlos, who could only stand there and stare.

"I don't know what to say Amy. We did go out for some quiet drinks and then the owner of the club started sending over more and more free drinks and we thought it rude of us not to drink them. We all got pretty drunk last night and Seb said that he was going to the bathroom. When he came back, he was in a state, saying that something had happened and that it wasn't his fault. I think that you need to go and get the story from him before you come to any conclusions".

Amy was furious. "You said that you were going to look after him and then this happens. I really don't know what to think right now. I think I'm going to go out for a few hours. Get some fresh air. You can tell Seb that he needs to tell me the truth. I'll meet you all back at the hotel later".

Before Amy could leave the room, Carlos called out to her. "I know that he didn't mean for whatever this was to happen. It looks bad but..."

"Your damn right that this looks bad", Amy shouted as she opened the door "and I'm going to get out of this for a while", she continued as she stormed off down the corridor. She passed Seb and her room as the door opened and Seb looked out, obviously rather hung over and having heard the noise.

"Amy, was that you shouting. Is everything alright?".

Amy simply threw the newspaper at him and stormed off with not so much as a hello. She walked to the lift as Seb stared at the picture and the headline before he ran towards her but not quickly enough, as she pressed the button on the lift panel for the lobby and the doors closed, leaving him stood there.

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