PART 47.

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Amy had suffered another restless night. Tossing and turning, she felt that it had taken her numerous changes in position and a prayer to the gods before she had gotten any sleep. Any sleep that she had, had been tortured with the same dream that she always had. She was walking up the aisle on her wedding day. Seb was stood there looking so handsome. But no matter how far she walked or how fast her feet carried her, she got no closer to him. She couldn't reach him. He was getting further away. Waking, Amy realised that the crying in her dream was coming from the other room and not from herself. Ceridwen. Rushing into her room, she scooped her up in her arms, realising that she had had a bad dream too.

"It's ok cariad, mummy's here", Amy gently whispered. Soothing her daughter with her voice whilst gently stroking her hair. "Did you have a nasty dream?".

Ceridwen simply nodded her head as she nestled herself more tightly into her mother's embrace.

Amy smiled. "I know how to make it all better. How to make the bad dream go away. How about mummy make you pancakes with strawberries for breakfast?, she asked as she kissed Ceridwen on the fore-head.

Ceridwen almost jumped from Amy's arms and running from the bedroom shouted, "Mummy, pancakes".

Amy followed Ceridwen into the kitchen where a flurry of activity soon ensued with pancake batter getting everywhere. Sitting at the table with a coffee, it wasn't long before a knock was heard at the door. Cautiously opening it, Amy was met by a young lady that she couldn't recognise. Holding out her hand, she soon introduced herself. "Hi I'm Jessica. I've been hired to work here by a Mr Saville for the week. I'm the nanny".

Amy invited Jessica in before explaining the plans for the week and what she needed. "I'm hoping that you can look after Ceridwen from Tuesday... Sorry, today, until Monday next week. It'll be from eight in the morning until approximately six in the evening. I know that it includes the weekend but the agency said that you were ok with that".

"No problem at all", Jessica replied. "I'm looking forward to it and from first impressions, I think Ceridwen loves pancakes for breakfast. Can I ask what her name means. I've never heard it and it sounds so beautiful".

"Thank you", Amy replied. "It's a Welsh name and it means blessed song. Right, I'll get us ready and I'll be disappearing".

"No need for that", Jessical replied smiling. "I'm sure that you have a busy day ahead and I can't wait to get to know Ceridwen. May I ask what you do for a living?".

"Yes, it's ok. I work as a personal assistant for the rich and famous. It's been sports stars or those in the music industry mostly. I've just been asked to work for a musical trio this week. A bit of a short term contract whilst they're over here in the UK promoting themselves. It should be fun".

Jessica seemed impressed. "That sounds so amazing. I bet you've gotten to meet some really cool people and some really handsome men. I would love to do your job. I might get to meet the man of my dreams then".

Amy didn't really know what to say in response. She didn't want to blab out her sad story and she didn't want any information getting into the press again. This was long finished and Amy was making a new life for herself and ceridwen".

Amy simply settled for saying. "Yes, it is exciting but not every client is that amazing. Some like to order you around and others like you to do everything for them. It makes for a really long day and I never seem to get enough sleep".

Getting showered and dressed, Amy was soon ready to go and meet her new clients. She kept repeating to herself... One week, one week, like a mantra. Gathering her thoughts together, Amy made sure Ceridwen was happy and opening the door, stepped out into the London morning and hailed a taxi.

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