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Lunch consisted of a getting to know you session amongst the backdrop of the most amazing Italian restaurant I had ever eaten in. I know my job was good but usually the perks went to the managers. Carlos had insisted that food fuelled the imagination and may inspire me, insisting on calling me darling.

I laughed and found myself picking at my food, beginning to feel nervous. Don't get me wrong the food was amazing but I had to admit, I had never single handedly organised something so immense before. I knew in my heart, I could but maybe I just needed a push. I needed to find my confidence.

Wiping my mouth, I placed my napkin down and couldn't help but stare at these four specimens. Everything they did was poetic and I could tell why they were chosen. They dressed impeccably, they talked poetically and the constant change of language showed that they had gotten used to each other's company. I was enthralled and at this moment, I felt one lucky lady.

We spent a good couple of hours getting to know each other. They took delight in telling me about how they were formed by Simon Cowell and how many people had thought that they would never amount to anything but here they still were and  still going strong.

It was so obvious to tell that they loved what they did and even fans approaching them, asking for autographs and pictures, didn't deter them from their conversation.

They made me feel at ease and it wasn't long before I was laughing. Carlos, of course kept trying to flirt and I discovered that David was married and that his wife was also an opera singer. I made a mental note to google her work later. Urs was dating and obviously madly in love as he kept texting and smiling at his phone. Sebastien was quiet. He liked to stare out of the window but occasionally, I would look and felt our gazes lock onto each other as if we were trying to work each other out. Though I felt that he was the most defensive. That he liked to hide a lot.

"A toast", Carlos spoke. "To the beginning of a long and happy relationship".

Everyone held up their glasses and agreed.

"So how many countries will you guys be performing in?", I enquired.

"At the last count, I think it was 8", David spoke, taking a very small sip of wine. It was obvious that he didn't drink much. 

"Wow", I answered. "That's a lot to organise".

"It's the biggest tour we've done so far", Urs replied, sitting back on his chair and draping his arm over the back. "But Simon said that you could do this".

"So, will you get some down time during this?", I replied, blushing at Urs comment.

They laughed. "You must be psychic", Carlos laughed. "We have been trying to get some time off to go home and see our families. You could always come with me to Spain?". 

"That would be amazing", I replied "but I think I'll only be there to keep you in check Mr Marin".

Everyone laughed.

"Oh, I think you just got burned Carlos", David replied.

"Just give me time", Carlos replied. "I will woo you eventually".

"Not gonna happen", I replied noticing that Sebastien had become very quiet and was staring at his phone. 

We paid the bill and stood to leave, with me walking over to Sebastien. I placed a small hand on his back and leaned towards him.

"Are you ok?", I enquired. "You've been very quiet".

"I'm good Amy", he replied. "I have a lot on my mind at the moment".

"Well, I make a good ear to listen and a great shoulder to lean on", I replied and I soon found myself pulled into his embrace. "Just give me a bottle of wine and a big tub of ice cream", I laughed.

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