PART 30.

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I woke early that Friday morning, knowing that I had a long day of shopping ahead with Arianwen. I had been looking forward to a girlie day since London and knew that the guys needed some time together as well. As I got out of bed, my mobile beeped, indicating a message and on looking, noted that it was from Urs. I hoped that nothing was wrong.

Reading the message, it asked me to meet him in the lobby in half an hour as he had something important to discuss with me. My mind started working over-time and getting showered and dressed, I woke Seb and told him where I was heading. Arriving in the lobby, Urs was pacing back and forth, looking rather nervous.

"What's up?", I enquired, as I practically had to hold him still.

"I need your help today", he answered, not being able to find any more words.

"Ok, but your going to have to let me know what help you need", I laughed in response.

"I want to propose to Arianwen tonight and I was hoping that you could keep her out of the way for as long as you can today so I can get things set up".

I couldn't help but smile and replied. "Of course I can. I'll keep Arianwen out as long as I can and text you when we're on our way back. So how were you planning on doing the deed?".

"I won't be doing anything big", Urs answered. "Arianwen said that she wanted things low key but I've hired a private dining room here in the hotel and they're going to decorate it. When you get back, if you could get her to change and then bring her back downstairs for dinner, I can surprise her then".

I laughed, with Urs looking at me puzzled. "Sorry for laughing but I can't help but feel like I'm part of some subterfuge. I'm all excited and I know that she will say yes. Oh my God, that will make three out of the four of you who are taken now. Perhaps we could find someone for Carlos and then your all taken".

"I think the girl Carlos was talking to last night might be high on his agenda today", Urs replied. "He certainly seemed to like her. I know that they swapped phone numbers and he has asked her to come to the concert on Saturday night".

My attention was suddenly drawn to the television in the lobby and the breaking news story which appeared to show the events of the previous evening in the club. It showed David walking over to the paparazzi and taking his camera. I didn't wait around to find out the gory details but needless to say, I wasn't happy with the way the television channel had handled it. Urs managed to get me to relax though, telling me that things would calm down soon and that he would call Simon to let him know what had really happened.

It wasn't long before everyone had congregated for breakfast and I couldn't help but grin when Arianwen entered and wondered why Urs had come down before her.

"Aaahh", Urs replied. "That's for me to know and you to find out", he laughed.

"That's not fair", Arianwen replied.

"It's ok", I interrupted. "Urs here was just telling me that I had to make sure that you buy something very sexy today because he's going to wine and dine you tonight".

"Ok", Arianwen replied with an undertone of surprise in her voice. "I think we need to take another trip to Victoria's secrets then".

Seb picked up on the conversation at this point. "I don't mind you going there one bit", he spoke. "How about you buy something to show me as well?".

"Mr Izambard", I answered, feigning surprise. "Remember I'm an engaged and pregnant woman now. I can't be doing with any of that. But for you......mmmm!!!, let me think..... Ok".

Seb started doing his happy dance around the restaurant, with me getting more and more embarrassed and ushering him to sit down. "Hey, I'm just excited", Seb spoke.

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