PART 21...

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OMG, I though to myself as it finally sunk in that the UK leg of the tour was over and that we were all about to face Europe. To be honest, I was bricking myself. It was now Sunday and we were all due to meet the buses on Monday morning to make our way to Germany. That only gave me today to get everything sorted out. The packing, paying bills and of course, handing in my notice for the flat. This was real. I had text Lucy to meet up that night as I knew that I wouldn't possibly see her for a while. Things were beginning to get on top of me and I knew that I was just stressed out. Some time with Lucy would be just what the doctor ordered, I laughed to myself.

Suitcases open on my bed, I was trying to pack and that was not an easy job. What should I take?. I needed to be prepared for anything and when I had finished packing the third suitcase, I knew that I had had enough. Grabbing my phone, I started another group chat.

"Right guys, I'm just checking in that your packing is going as well as mine and that everyone knows the plans for tomorrow".

"I'm cool", David responded quickly. "Sarah has packed for me and I'm just chilling out. Am taking Sarah to the airport later as she has to head back to the states".

"Tell Sarah I'll miss her", I answered. "I can't wait to meet up with her again when the tour gets there. She'll have to show me around and we need some more girlie time".

"I wish Arianwen would pack for me", Urs answered and I began to laugh. "She's in the shower and then we're heading off to Heathrow as she is heading back today as well".

"Urs, stop being lazy", I responded. "A man is very capable of packing for himself. You've been doing this for two years and your a grown man. Tell Arianwen, I'll miss her too and can't wait to catch up. Is she coming to Switzerland when we get there as I will need even more girlie time".

"Yes, she is flying down and she says that she can't wait to go shopping with you and will be taking you out for a night in Zurich".

"Yippppeeee!!!, I answered".

"Am I invited?", Seb text. "I am trying to pack but cannot decide what to bring. Amy, can you come and help me?".

"And you said I am lazy", Urs responded.

"Carlos, your quiet", I text. "Are you packed yet? and Urs, Seb is very capable. He's good with his hands, lol".

"stop it", came the response. "We do not wish to read this please, lol".

"Yes, I am packed. I do not need much", came the response from Carlos.

"One last night before we leave for Europe. What's everyone up to?", I enquired.

David replied, spilling a secret I guessed. "We four males have decided to all go round to Urs and have a poker night. Just a quiet night with a few beers and no women".

I laughed to myself before replying, "that's ok. At least I know where you will all be if I need you and I'm going to catch up with my best girl tonight. No men allowed unless they're incredibly hot actors in films. Do you by any chance have Ryan Reynolds phone number?".

"Don't you even think about it", came a swift response from Seb.

"I'm a one man woman Thankyou mr Izambard", I replied "but he is a close second to would be Johnny deep, Tom Hiddleston...".

"Ok, you can stop that right now", Seb replied.

"Right, I'll be back soon cariad", I text. "I have to drop off my packed suitcases before going to Lucy's. you can punish me later!!!".

"Excuse me", Carlos responded. 

"Aaaaawwww!", David replied. "Young love".

"Shut up mr Miller", I responded. "See all of you at the rendezvous point in the morning at eleven. Remember your passports and don't be late".

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