PART 19...

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It was Friday morning and the dawn of the first London show. I was nervous. This was the biggest show the guys had done up until now and I needed it to be perfect. Yes, I wanted to impress both my boss and Simon but more importantly, I wanted to make the guys proud of me. 

Turning in  bed, I found myself being pulled even closer into Seb's embrace.

"Bonjour mon amour".

"Bore da cariad", I replied being met by a puzzled faced Seb. "It means good morning darling in welsh". 

"Well, I like you speaking Welsh though I have no idea what you are saying", he laughed, leaning up on one arm to hover over me.

"I feddwl ei tro y byddwch yn dysgu iaith arall a bod eich yn iawn'n giwt noeth", I replied laughing with him.

"Ok, enlighten me", Seb replied.

"It means it's time for you to learn another language and I might have said something about your arse looking good naked", I giggled as I tried to jump out of bed but Seb got to me before I could do so and pinned me to the mattress. I couldn't stop laughing.

"How am I going to kiss you if your laughing", Seb continued.

"I think you had enough kisses last night cariad. This morning you can make me breakfast".

"How about you dress up like last night for me every night and I'll make you breakfast every morning?"".

"That sounds like a good possibility", I replied "but we need to get up. I need a  shower".

Making our way downstairs, we were soon occupied in the kitchen making my favourite bacon sandwiches and arguing why I wanted to smother them in tomato ketchup. "It's a British thing", I laughed, taking another bite.

We spent another relaxing morning cuddled on the sofa, me with my lap-top and my endless stream of e-mails and Seb engrossed in a book. This was bliss to me. Quiet but perfect. We stayed like that till after lunch and deciding on a walk, we grabbed a sandwich and a coffee before hailing a taxi and making our way over to the SSE arena for sound check and a rehearsal. Tomorrow night was going to be at the o2 arena, so there would need to be another one then.

"This place is massive", David shouted as everyone gathered on stage.

"This is going to be an amazing show", Carlos continued. "I can't wait for it to begin".

"We've cooked up another little piece of fun for tonight", David laughed, turning towards me.

"why do you have to put these sketches in last minute", I shouted. "I always feel like I'm going to have a coronary".

"Right guys", came the voice of the stage director, "Take your places. We're going to run through the first half, both as warm up and sound check".

Arianwen, Sarah and myself all took seats in the front row and listened. I still found myself intrigued at the music, the voices and my reaction was obvious as I found myself staring into Seb's eyes.

Turning to the girls, I whispered, "how do you cope with all the female attention Urs and David must get?".

"That's easy", Sarah replied. "I totally trust David and I know that come the end of each day, he is all mine".

"I guess i'm just nervous", I replied. "This is so new to me. Dating someone famous. The nearest I got before was the head of the school football team".

"Don't you worry", Arianwen spoke. "Seb is one hundred percent faithful and from the intense stares he's been giving you, you have nothing to worry about".

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