PART 16...

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We had a few days before the Cardiff show and I was determined to show the guys as much of the welsh culture as I could.

we toured the main sights of Cardiff, taking in Cardiff castle, the museum, castell coch meaning the fairytale castle and I even managed to drag the guys to watch a welsh rugby match at the millennium stadium, which I think we all became engrossed in.

"This is your national anthem?", Urs laughed. "It sounds funny".

"Now now, do not disrespect our language", I answered whilst trying to hold back my laughing. "We have some beautiful words like cwtch and cariad. Now repeat after me... Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl I mi. It means...this land of my fathers is dear to me" and I'll give the guys points but it didn't come out as I expected. We gave up on the rest for now but I promised I'd have them trying it again. 

"These sounds that your making. Ll and ch, I feel like I'm going to spit", David continued trying to say the words.

"And what do cwtch and cariad  mean?", Carlos spoke.

"They mean hug and sweetheart. You'll have to remember those for the show. The ladies will love them", I laughed. "But cwtch can also mean a snug place in the corner", I continued and now, they were looking at me with sheer confusion in their eyes. "Hey, I didn't say welsh was easy but if you can pick up all those other languages, you'll get it".

"I can't get  into this game", David complained. "It's nothing like soccer".

"But it's more dangerous than American football", I answered, trying not to laugh too much.

"Yeah, right", David answered and a heated conversation soon entailed about the two games and why each was better than the other.

"Just remember rugby is a beastly game played by gentleman. Soccer is a gentlemans game played by beasts and football is a beastly game played by beasts", I laughed taking a mouthful of my drink and cheering the ongoing action. "I always say I support two teams. Wales and whoever is playing against England".

"So there is a big rivalry between England and Wales?", Seb spoke.

"Oh yes, you wouldn't believe it. When it comes to the six nations, we always aim to beat England or pray that Scotland, Ireland, France or Italy can beat them", I laughed. "The last time we beat England, I shouted out in the pub afterwards that the English manager should take the team to longleat safari park as it would be the only chance the English team would have to go on a lion's tour. I think the guy stood next to me was English and took offence as he suddenly muttered bitch and stormed off".

"So you love us French for something then", Seb laughed, leaning over and pecking me lightly on the lips. "Remind me to go round to Urs, David's or Carlos' house when Wales are playing against France".

The game went smoothly and all the guys laughed at how passionate and particularly vocal I became when wales scored a try or even came close. I even introduced them to the dulcet tones of the legendary Welsh rugby singer max Boyce and the iconic song hymns and arias though I had to admit that I had no singing voice. I could carry a tune but this was nothing that was going to make x factor.

After wales winning the game and hugging them all profusely, I took them all out to celebrate, which in true welsh style meant a fish and chip meal from the nearest chip shop in Caroline street, otherwise known as chippy alley followed by a pint in my favourite pub called the owain glyn dwr after the last welsh King.

The three amigos bid their goodbyes and made their way back to the hotel and Seb and myself caught a taxi back to Llantwit major and my mum's house. Tomorrow was Thursday and the week had flown by. It wouldn't be long before everyone would be hitting foreign lands and I was really looking forward but looking into Seb's eyes, I knew I wanted to be there with him.

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