PART 7...

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Again, the alarm clock sounded but this time, I did not feel the inclination to cause damage to it. In fact, I had been awake for the last ten minutes or so. This was so not like me, it was scary. I had lain there, pondering over the events of the previous evening. The kiss. It had left me exhilarated. Light headed and I had not had these feelings for a long time.

I wanted to let whatever this was with Seb go further, but I kept going over and over every scenario in my head. I was going to be on tour with these guys for a while and was this the right thing to do.

I had put myself into a protective cocoon after breaking up with John and had sworn that I would never let anyone hurt me again. If that meant being married to my work, then so be it.

Now, I had let someone in. I had let someone break down my walls and it felt so strange but good at the same time. God, I was getting confused. Amy, don't overthink this. It could be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Pulling myself out from my bed, I climbed into the shower and revelled in the warm water. I went through my normal daily routine of drying my hair and went for putting it up for a change. I got dressed, deciding on a black pencil skirt and added a pale pink blouse. I opted for a natural make-up before heading to the kitchen for my morning dose of caffeine.  It seemed like everything was a blur.

Grabbing my handbag, I headed out to make the normal commute to the office, knowing that there wasn't that much left to do and then all would be finalised with Mr Cowell himself. My feedback so far had been good and he even liked the idea for the change of clothes.

Reaching the office, I checked my e mails, pondering over a few that demanded my attention. It was three weeks till the tour commenced and I would be whisked away into another world, it seemed.

Hearing the familiar tone of my mobile, I noted the caller I.d and answered.

"Hey Lucy", I spoke. "What's occurring?".

"Well, I was hoping that you could drag your gorgeous ass away from work and come round to mine to catch up. I have loads to tell you and most of it about random bar guy".

"Yeah, I think I can manage that. I hope your not planning on going into detail though. I don't think my innocent mind is up to that", I laughed.

Lucy started laughing. "You know me too well. Oh, Amy, he's perfect".

"Well, stop gassing and let me get this work finished and I'll be round to yours. Your getting the ice cream in by the way and the slushy movie".

"Your on. See you later", Lucy spoke before hanging up.

Around four in the afternoon, after completing everything I could think of and e-mailing the news to Mr Cowell's secretary, I closed down my computer and left the office for the day.

Grabbing a taxi to Lucy's, I went through my diary for the next couple of weeks, which meant their diary. The time was taken up with photo shoots and interviews in preparation for the tour to begin. Ticket sales were amazing with most venues sold out. I had even organised meet and greets at most of the venues. A way for the fans to get a little up close and personal, I had joked.

Opening the door, Lucy had a Cheshire grin and ushered me inside.

"Shall we start the Spanish Inquisition now or after the ice cream", I spoke, throwing myself onto the sofa. "Feed me woman".

A whole tub of ice cream later, there was no sign of the grin disappearing.

"So, spill girl. What's going on with you and random bar guy?".

"Ok, so his name is Mark, he's 28 and he works as a banker".

"Sounds boring to me, but whatever floats your boat", I laughed and feigned a yawn as I reached for the remote.

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