PART 25...

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Waking up, it was obvious something was wrong. I was in a hot flush and it felt like my stomach was imitating the spin cycle on my washing machine. I ran to the bathroom and felt myself empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet yet again. This was getting confusing and I had no idea what was going on. I could only think of one thing to do... Call Lucy. Calling her quietly from the bathroom so not as to wake Seb, she quickly picked up the phone.

"Hey girl. Why in hell's name are you calling me so early in the morning?".

"Lucy, it's half nine. Not that early or are you suffering from last night?", I laughed, knowing she had been out on the town and usually liked to emerge from her pit about lunchtime.

"Ok, you got me there. Now what's up gorgeous. You wouldn't normally do this to me unless it's urgent?".

I explained all my symptoms to Lucy and how worried I was. I remembered to tell her that I was on the contraceptive pill or I know she would have been planning a christening and demanding to be godmother. The next thing Lucy said, blew my mind.

"Amy, have you been taking the St John's wort tablets I gave you for your stress?".

"Yes, I answered. Religiously and they have been working miracles babe. I've been feeling a million dollars. Why?. You've got me worried here" and I could feel myself holding my breath for a reply.

"Is that the only contraceptive you've been using?", Amy asked.

"Yes", I answered. "Your killing me here. What do you think is wrong?".

"Amy, St john's Wort can interfere with your contraceptive pill babe. Didn't you read the instructions?".

"Only the ones about how to take them", I answered, starting to feel like the prize prat. "What did I miss?".

"Only the part where I now tell you to go to the nearest chemist and buy a pregnancy test because I think your pregnant". 

I didn't know what to say at this point. I was welling up with tears and my head began to spin. Was I pregnant?. Would Seb stand by me?. What was I... No...we going to do?. Should I tell him?. Come on girl. Find out first. 

"Earth to Amy... Come in Amy", Lucy shouted, sensing I was gobsmacked.  "Right, I'm going to play boss here. Make your excuses to Seb, go to the nearest chemist and buy three pregnancy tests".

"Three?. Why in the hell do I need to buy three Lucy?", I answered, crying now.

"In case the first two don't work, of course gorgeous", Lucy laughed. "You call me the minute you get an answer and we'll take it from there".

I hadn't noticed but there was a tapping sound on the bathroom door. "Amy, you ok. Your up early?".

Whispering, I told Lucy I had to go and put my mobile in my pocket before opening the door. 

"You ok", Seb asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I think I have a stomach flu", I replied, knowing I was lying. "I'm going to head over to the nearest chemist and get something for it. Don't worry. I'll be back to my gorgeous self soon. I'll be back in time for the bus to Frankfurt. It's not leaving till one".

"Ok", Seb replied. "Do you want me to come with you?".

"No, I'll be fine", I replied " but you could do me a favour and pack up my stuff and make sure it's on the bus".

"No problem", Seb replied as I got myself dressed and grabbing the keycard, I went to leave but felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me. "I love you Amy. Take your tIme. I want you to get well. It's probably just stress".

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