PART 38.

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Amy woke first the next morning. Her head was pounding due to the previous days events but she couldn't rest. Today was a very busy day and looking over to Seb, she noticed him laying there on his back with his eyes open. He was deep in thought till Amy leant over and kissed him on the cheek, making him jump.

"Good morning", he whispered. "You startled me there for a minute".

"Penny for your thoughts", Amy replied.

"I was just thinking about how stupid I was", Seb answered. "I always seem to mess things up and then...".

"Seb, don't kick yourself over this. We're all human and we all make mistakes. God, I'm the last one to preach here. I've made some really stupid mistakes in the past. But we're grown up now and we can get over it. I know that you didn't mean to hurt me. I just got carried away with everything being in the press. I know I have to get used to this. I love you. That's all that matters. Now, sleepy head. We need to get up and get ready. It's press day and then sound check before the show tonight".

"Back to being a slave-driver again I see", Seb laughed. "Do I get a shower first?".

"You can certainly have a shower. In fact I think I need one as well. We may even get breakfast too".

Making their way down to the restaurant, Amy and Seb walked hand-in-hand. Showing the world that they were still together, standing strong and that this was to be forgotten. Both Amy and Seb had decided not to press any charges against the newspaper as in reality, it did think that it had gotten a scoop. The three amigos were already sat, eating breakfast and the conversation turned to the events of the day.

"So, slave driver", David laughed. "What have you got on the agenda for us all today?".

"Well, we have an interview with Vogua Italia followed by a radio interview on Radio Italia and all that before I let you go for lunch".

"Your certainly back in the game", David continued, as he began to laugh. "I think your hormones must have gone into overdrive".

Amy sat there, giving David the look...

"Ok, I take it back", he laughed. "Your amazing and please don't hurt me".

Everyone started to laugh at this point. "Never stress out a pregnant woman", Urs continued.

"I knew I loved you for a reason Urs", Amy replied and then turning to Seb. "Hey, your supposed to be backing me up here".

"I haven't had a chance", Seb laughed. "But I think that you can sort things out yourself".

"I guess I can. All hail the pregnant woman", Amy laughed as she stood and took a bow in-front of them all. "Right, get your breakfast down you and let's start this day", she laughed as she took a mouthful of her coffee. Nearly spitting it out, she gasped. "Ok, who ordered me de-caf?. This is not coffee. It's simply coloured water".

Everyone started to laugh but kept their heads down, afraid of Amy's raging pregnancy hormones before Carlos spoke.

"It's good to see you smile again Amy. We were so worried about you yesterday and..."

"Don't you worry daddy divo. It takes a hell of a lot more than that to make me tuck tail and run", Amy found herself replying.

"You never did come up with nicknames for the rest of us", David laughed. "I think that can be your mission today".

"We shall see", Amy found herself giggling. "I think I already have plenty of work to do with this tour by a very gorgeous quartet that I'm working with".

Breakfast ended quite quickly and in quiet before everyone made their way over to the offices of Vogue Italia, where they were greeted like the stars they were. Ushered into wardrobe, they were soon dressed from head to toe in Ermenigildo Zegna bespoke suits. Amy regretted asking the design assistant how much these suits retailed for as they stated $28000. She knew that they were the best but why would someone pay so much. Though Amy had to smile when Seb came out of the dressing room, looking perfect. She had to hold herself back and be professional when in reality, she was having rather naughty thoughts. She laughed to herself and put things down to her raging pregnancy hormones.

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