Part 15...

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Sheffield went well and we soon found ourselves waking up in our hotel on the Sunday morning, ready to face the world. Yes, I had been a good girl and gotten some sleep. We were now concert free until Friday when the guys would be performing in Birmingham, followed by further concerts in Liverpool, Bournemouth, Cardiff and finally onto London for two shows.

Things were going from strength to strength with Seb and Carlos had actually been rather subdued. I hoped that he had gotten the message...finally.

We made our way back to London, knowing that they guys still had publicity to do and interviews and photo shoots aplenty.

Monday saw them being photographed for the cover of GQ magazine. I loved seeing them all dolled up in Armani. Their signature look and how, it seemed, the ladies loved them to be seen. The guys seemed to take everything in their stride, allowing themselves to be preened and pampered to within an inch of their lives. After posing for what seemed like hours and taking shot after shot, the photographer seemed to be pleased and the guys moved onto yet another interview.

Tuesday saw them interviewing on breakfast television and they were dressed casual this time, in jeans and shirts. I loved Seb dressed like this. The questions came thick and fast.

"Our first question asks how are you guys enjoying the tour so far?".

"Well, we're two weeks in and we're loving it", David spoke. "It's a whole new idea and a new song list and we just hope that everyone loves it as much as us".

"I'm enjoying meeting all the beautiful women", Carlos said as he winked at the camera and pulled his famous smile. He was back to playing to the audience.

"I'm enjoying meeting all our fans", Urs replied. "they make everything we do so worthwhile".

"Our second question asks are you all enjoying being in the UK?".

"yes, I love it", Seb answered. "I already have a house in London and maybe I am considering it as my second home now". I started to smile like a Cheshire cat from the wings, hoping that Seb meant myself as his reason why.

"I am liking the UK a lot", Carlos spoke, still winking at the camera every chance he could. "I love seeing the sights and the accents of the people".

"I am enjoying the food", Urs laughed. "I already know about eating kebabs after going to the pub. A friend taught me about them".

"Question three asks you guys what would you say is your favourite song in the show?".

David answered first. "That would be easy. Caruso. It was written about the famous operatic tenor Caruso and I love singing it".

"I love singing my way", Carlos interrupted. "except the night when Urs and David pretended to be me and gave themselves a curl of hair like me".

"I love adagio", Urs spoke. "the melody is so haunting".

"mine is easy", Seb spoke. "pour que tu maimes encore. It led me to someone special" and he looked towards me as I grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"that would lead me to question four", the interviewer continued. "everyone is wanting to know about your new romance Sebastien. Who is she and how did you guys meet?".

Seb looked towards me, almost wanting me to give him permission to speak. I nodded.

"Well, her name is Amy Price and she is currently working as our PA. We met during the planning stage of our tour and you could say that the sparks flew". Seb looked over to me again and the interviewer caught wind of this.

"From your glances, is that Amy that you keep glancing over at?". Seb nodded.

The camera suddenly panned to me and I realised that I was on show to the world. All I could think to do was to smile and wave, just like the Disney Madagascar movie.

Pour que tu m'aimes encore...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें