Part 26...

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Following the interview, we all grabbed some lunch before settling down in Carlos' room to have our next instalment of the DVD recorded. This was going to be an informal chat about the beginning and their thoughts of Simon Cowell. Everyone took seats on the sofa or armchair and the camera began to roll. The words seemed to come so easily to them now. A sure sign that they had done many interviews in the past.

David began. "People say we have overcome the kind of creative crisis more usually associated with wayward rock bands but our message is clear. We may be graduates of the Simon Cowell hit factory, but we are very much our own men".

"We are four captains in the same boat", continued Carlos. "We are big personalities and Simon knows that. He listens to us and we tell him if we don't like something".

"He has so much on his plate that his involvement is minimal anyway", added David. "But Simon is a good listener. As trained musicians, we can sometimes be too lofty. Simon will come in with the layman's perspective. He puts the final decorations on the Christmas tree". He then continued after going for a drink of water. "At first, our record label drilled home the idea that we had to be perfect. They told us how to give interviews, how to carry ourselves on stage. They put us in nice suits because it matched the music. It was all very polished, but it didn't allow us any room. Now I feel we've earned the right to be ourselves. We're more relaxed on stage and we don't give perfect answers in interviews".

Seb took over. "Once we had finished our first album, we created an Il Divo sound, with powerful vocals and big endings. We've changed all that now. I always used to call myself the only pop singer in the village as I didn't have a lung-busting classical voice, but I am comfortable with my voice now and how it fits into the overall sound".

"It was never a case of us not getting on", said Urs. "We just didn't know each other very well. The first thing we did together was to go into a recording studio. It was a bit like stripping yourself naked in-front of strangers. It left us feeling a bit vulnerable". He then continued. "Now we get on fine. I used to get upset when Carlos was in a bad mood because there would be a lot of swearing. In Switzerland, we have our own boundaries about that sort of thing. But I don't take it personally anymore. I'm laid back about things that aren't important".

Seb finished up saying, "I was struck by just how fragile a group could be. It made me realise that we have to enjoy things and this is just the start. we have such a friendship now and I think we could still be around in many years time".

I was amazed by how truthful they had just been. How much it must have taken to say those things but it showed me just how close they had now become.

Something was wrong!!!. The guys had made their excuses to me and said that they were spending some time on their own. "Shopping time", Seb had said to me whilst looking somewhat nervous and the rest of the three amigos not saying anything. They disappeared quickly amidst a lot of whispering to each other.

I decided to spend the time curled up in bed with my lap-top. Skyping Lucy, I told her that I was ok and that I had come to terms with being pregnant and that I was actually feeling somewhat excited and couldn't wait to tell Seb but wanted to still tell him at the right moment. I guess my hormones were starting to kick in, as , bursting into tears, I couldn't help but tell Lucy that I was missing her and then we both ended up crying. God, anyone seeing us would have been in fits of laughter. I ended the call and it wasn't long before I was sleeping soundly.

Before I knew it, I was being woken gently by Seb.

"Hey sleeping beauty. You were out for the count as you would say and I thought that I would bring you a cup of tea".

Sitting up in bed and kissing him gently, I was smiling like a Cheshire cat. "Guess, I needed the sleep", I laughed knowing the real reason why. "Now, are you going to tell me what you lot have been up to all afternoon?", I enquired, amidst mouthfuls of steaming hot tea.

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