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"Do you Sebastien Izambard, take Amy Price to be your lawful wedded wife. To have and to hold. In sickness and in health. For better and for worse. For richer and for poorer. For as long as you both shall live?".

Seb stared deeply into Amy's eyes and spoke that one word. "Yes".

"And do you Amy Price take Sebastien Izambard to be your lawful wedded husband. To have and to hold. In sickness and in health. For better and for worse. For richer and for poorer. For as long as you both shall live?".

Amy couldn't help but smile as she too, uttered one word. "Yes".

Rings were exchanged before the priest finally said."Then I pronounce you both husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride".

That was all Seb needed to hear as he held his new wife gently and kissed her with the passion that promised so many years together. 

The small crowd around them broke into rapturous applause as the sound of Amy's favourite song began to play quietly in the background. Making their way back down the aisle, they both exited the church and out into the bright July sunshine. It was the perfect day for a wedding. In-fact, everything had been perfect.

Things had happened so fast. It seemed only yesterday that Seb had re-proposed to Amy and she had said yes. That both Amy and Ceridwen had moved back into Seb's house and became a family. 

Needless to say, Amy's uncle was none the happier for hearing that they were a couple again. Amy had met with Peter and demanded an answer to the question that had been burning her up inside. Why had he kept the letters from her?. He stated that he had had no intentions of letting her ever lay eyes on Seb again. He stated that he was more interested in Amy working for the company and settling down with a 'decent' man. Not someone who would take her away from him. Amy didn't wait around to find out what Peter meant by that. She resigned on the spot, telling him thanks for helping her out. "I really mean it", she spoke as she stood there in his plush office. "You did so much for me when I came back to the UK but you didn't have to keep secrets from me. You almost stopped me from living a happy life. Being a family with Ceridwen".

Walking out of the building, Amy didn't know whether to feel scared or happy. Her fears didn't last for long. After much persuasion by Seb, Amy set about putting a business proposal together and with the backing of the bank, she started her own company with herself at the helm. Her first clients didn't come as much of a shock. Seb spoke to Simon and it wasn't long before the signature was on the dotted line. Amy now had Il Divo as her first clients and it didn't take long before other names started to join her, including Il Volo, who were only too glad. Amy was able to hire a couple of PA's to help her keep the company running and soon the name of 'Izambard's' was known around the world. Seb laughed when he saw the name that Amy had chosen. "Here's to the start of an amazing future", he spoke as they toasted with champagne.

"Here's to the start of our lives together", Amy had replied as she took pleasure in showing Seb around the new premises, rushing about like an excited school-girl.

Seb, Amy and Ceridwen settled in London. Neither of them could bear to let the chocolate box house go but they decided to keep Amy's house in Wales as a second home. Somewhere they could go when they needed time away. Seb surprised Amy on her birthday with a small house in Paris. "You always said that you could see yourself bashing around Paris", he laughed as he kissed her gently on the cheek "and now you can".

Everything was going so well at last. The icing on the cake came when she heard a knock at the door one afternoon and opening the door, she found Lucy standing there. Running through the door, Lucy embraced Amy in a bear hug. "I'm so sorry Amy. I really am. I said some horrible things to you that night at the awards ceremony and I wish I hadn't".

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