PART 48.

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Amy lay there. In the same place in the same bed. It was like some invisible force had her routed to the spot. All she could do was pick up each letter in turn and read each word. She had tried to analyse them and then found herself over-analysing them to the point where sleep had eluded her. Her thoughts had been everything and they had been her constant companion throughout the night. Amy couldn't believe just how many questions that she now had. Going round and round her head to the point where she couldn't think straight. Maybe this was retribution. Maybe this was to be her own personal torture. There was only one constant thought, repeating itself over and over and that was Seb.

Hearing the familiar noises, indicating that Ceridwen was awake, Amy reluctantly dragged herself out of the bed that had almost become her sanctuary or prison cell through the night. Making her way to the kitchen, Amy knew that she would have to get a steady stream of caffeine going, if she was going to get through the day in the professional manner that her clients had come to expect from her. As the old joke stated. She had a rep to protect.

Walking into the kitchen, Ceridwen's welcoming hug instantly brought a smile to Amy's face. 

"Mummy", Ceridwen shouted as Amy lifted her onto one of the shiny plastic stools that ran the length of the breakfast bar.

Flicking the switch on the coffee maker, she watched as it whirred to life and turning, she asked Ceridwen. "What would my little princess like for breakfast this morning before mummy has to go to work?".

Ceridwen started to giggle and didn't hesitate in answering. "Pancakes" and it wasn't long before a trail of pancake batter lay across the kitchen when a knock was heard at the door, indicating that Jessica had arrived for another day.

Showering and dressing, Amy soon found herself in a taxi. The day was jam packed with interviews and photo shoots, though everything seemed to remind Amy of her time with the guys. She thought that she had truly left this part of her life behind her but with the appearance of so many letters, Amy felt numb. She began to feel that maybe she should have stayed and heard Seb out. But what could she possibly do to make it right?. How could she approach him after all this time and would he even want anything to do with her?.

After a busy morning, everyone found themselves stopping for a well-deserved lunch and Amy found herself approached by a young and very attractive young lady, working with the crew. Pulling Amy to one side, she began to chat. "Amy. Can you help me?".

"Yes. By all means", Amy quickly replied, feeling somewhat bemused but intrigued. "What can I help you with?".

"The music awards are on Saturday and I have been asked to attend by Piero".

"That's great", Amy answered. "But why do you need my help?".

"Amy. I really like him. Could you go shopping with me this week because I really want to look perfect. I'm going to tell Piero how I feel about him".

Amy started to blush. "Of course I can help you. We can go and hit the shops on Friday and leave the guys to it. We could make it a girl's morning and we'll find you something that will leave him speechless". She couldn't help but let her mind wander again to the relationship that she had had with Lucy and how she had let it all fall in ruins. At the time, it had seemed the right thing to do, what with Lucy dating Carlos. She had needed to cut every single tie and now the guilt was eating her up inside.

Completing her day, Amy soon found herself back at her uncle's house. She was so thankful to Jessica for having fed and bathed Ceridwen but as they sat curled up on the sofa, covered by a large fleece blanket and watching beauty and the beast, Amy just wanted to hold her little princess close and never let her go. Having reluctantly put Ceridwen to bed, Amy knew that she should get some sleep but she found herself reading and re-reading one particular letter.

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