PART 40.

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The rest of their time in Italy went smoothly and Amy was amazed to have received a phone-call from Simon Cowell himself, telling her how happy that he was with the tour so far and that he would love for Amy to stay on as Il Divo's permanent PA. He laughed in saying that he knew all about the engagement and the pregnancy and apologised for not having rung her sooner to congratulate the two of them. He also asked Amy to pass on his congratulations to Urs for his engagement. He was shocked that things had happened so quickly and Amy took great delight in inviting Simon to the wedding, which he gladly accepted.

Amy had to contact her uncle and let him know that good news about Simon's phone-call and she was told in no certain words, that he was extremely proud of her and that she had also made a good reputation for herself and the company. Amy had to laugh to herself. Her uncle was all about business and she knew that he was mainly thinking about the reputation of the company, rather than hers. 

It seemed as though the rest of their tour through Italy had been a blur. So many amazing places and not nearly enough time to see them all. Seb and herself had made the point of trying to sight-see, to take in the culture, the atmosphere, the history, the food, wine and the language and both of them made a promise to come back and visit again. This time as a family. Everything seemed to run at a different time-scale. So much more calmer and relaxed and Amy revelled in it.

Sat in her hotel room on the Sunday night after the final show, Amy couldn't help but think back to this whirlwind that her life has become. It was like a rollercoaster ride that she couldn't get off but she didn't feel scared. Not in the slightest. In-fact, she wanted to stay on as long as possible. Everyone was heading to France in the morning and as Amy climbed from the shower and changed into her pyjamas, a knock sounded on the door; Seb going to answer it.

The three amigos were all stood there, pyjama clad and carrying pizza and wine. Letting them in, the conversation soon flowed.

"Are you nervous about meeting Seb's mum then Amy?", Urs began.

"No, not really", Amy answered. "From what Seb's told me, she seems really nice. Why, have you met her before?".

"A couple of times", David continued. "She is lovely but she can be a little wary of strangers. I'm sure that she will love you though".

Seb made his way over to Amy and they were soon cuddling on the sofa together. "I know that she will love you Amy", he tried to reassure her. "She is so happy for the both of us".

"I just feel a little nervous as the first time she will be meeting me will be shortly before the wedding. That's not exactly the normal thing to do is it?".

"What is normal?", Carlos spoke, taking a mouthful of his wine. "Everything about your romance has been un-normal I think you call it and I doubt that you both would have had it any other way".

"I think you mean abnormal but thank you for your words Carlos. I do feel more relaxed that you three are going to be there and I can't wait to meet up with Sarah and Arianwen again. It's a shame that Janette won't be there but you never know Carlos. You may just hit it off with Lucy".

Amy was met with three pairs of eyes, searching for the meaning of Amy's last statement. "Ok, my best friend Lucy sort of has the hots for Carlos here and she wants me to set her up with him. She will be at the wedding and can't wait for an introduction".

Carlos began to smile. "I never did ask you. Do you have a photograph of this Lucy for me to see. I would like to know what this best friend of yours looks like".

Amy leant forward and picked up her mobile phone from the coffee table, before accessing her gallery and finding a picture of Lucy. Reaching over, she handed the phone to Carlos who instantly started to grin like the proverbial cat that had just got the cream. "She is stunning Amy. why haven't you told me about her before?".

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