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I don't remember such a wonderful day and it was all down to Seb. He had spoiled me rotten; buying me clothes. I had to joke with him, saying that he didn't like my fashion sense but he laughed and replied that I needed something special to wear that evening as he had a surprise late supper planned for after the concert. I was intrigued.

We had settled for a little boutique in the centre of Basel, which I had loved from the moment I opened the door. It was my kind of style and I felt like a kid in a sweet shop, walking from rack to rack. I could have spent a fortune but eventually settled on a black dress which came to my ankles, but had a split up the side. It was backless and sleeveless. I had to have it. Matching that with black high heels and silver jewellery, I felt like a princess and Seb certainly treated me as one.

Almost falling through the door to our hotel room, I hung my dress up and dropping the rest of the bags on the floor, I turned to face Seb. "I'm going to let you in on a secret as well but I think that if we are going to make tonight special, then I want to tell you then".

Seb looked at me. Puzzled but with a massive grin on his face. "I definitely can't wait for tonight now", he replied before taking my hand and leading me towards the bathroom. "I need a shower and I think you do too".

Bursting through the dressing room door, all eyes were on us as we feebly made our apologies for being fifteen minutes late. Seb tried to make the excuse that the taxi had gotten caught up in traffic but they saw right through us.

"I thought you told us to be punctual Amy", Carlos laughed "and here you are the one that is late".

"Well, I know what Sarah meant now", David replied "when she said that...".

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Mr Miller or else I will personally call Sarah and tell her that you are in the dog house". Quickly changing the subject, I enquired as to if Urs had enjoyed his time with his mum.

"Yes, thankyou", Urs replied. "I have made a promise to my mother that I am going to visit her for a couple of weeks when the tour is over. I am also going to spend some time with Arianwen. I am thinking of proposing to her".

Cheers erupted from the guys and I couldn't help but dash over and bear hug him. "It's about time", I laughed. "You two are perfect for each other and it is so obvious that you are both so much in love. I'll have to wait for an invitation to be bridesmaid".

"Ok, that's enough of everyone's love lives", Carlos spoke. "How about we get this sound check out of the way and get onto the good stuff of performing for everyone?".

"I think I'm going to give you a new nickname now", I replied being met with some puzzled looks from everyone. "I think I'm going to start calling you daddy Divo. Always trying to keep us all in check. But I was serious when I said you really need to go out and find yourself a good woman".

"I want a nickname now", David replied. "We can all be like the spice girls then with individual identities".

"Well, I'll think on that and let you all know what I come up with", I spoke, trying my best not to laugh. "Lets get this show on the road".

The show went amazingly well as per usual and I had the brilliant idea of skyping with Simon to let him watch a few moments of the show to get his opinion. I needn't have worried. He absolutely loved it. I was keeping my fingers crossed that he would ask me to continue being Il Divo's P.A after the tour wrapped. I couldn't think of doing anything else. This beat sport's stars hands down. I felt valued at last in my career.

The second half started and I could tell that the atmosphere between the guys had changed. They looked somewhat nervous and particularly Seb. He kept placing his hand in his pocket and looking at the other guys. I wondered what was wrong. I needn't have worried.

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