PART 34.

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Amy awoke to bright lights shining above her and confusion surrounded her. She couldn't make out the noises from around her but after a few minutes, things started to take shape.

She found herself in a small room, a window to one side, letting in more light. She was laying in a bed, covered by a thin blanket and lifting her head slightly, she found that Seb was sat in a chair next to her, his head resting on the side of the bed, asleep. She didn't want to wake him but as she moved to familiarise herself with her surroundings, he woke.

"Amy, your awake. Thank God. I was so worried about you both", Seb spoke, taking Amy's hand and squeezing it gently.

Amy could only think of one thing to say and found herself beginning to cry as she spoke. "Is the baby safe?", she uttered, praying silently that the answer would be a positive one. She remembered back to the miscarriage that she had suffered and knew that she couldn't go through that amount of grief again.

Seb began to smile. "The baby is fine", he answered. "The doctor said that it's strong, just like it's mama".

Amy had never felt so relieved and thankful as in that moment and the tears were now flowing freely. Seb leant forward and hugged her. "Your one of the strongest people I know. I hope our baby will grow up to be just like you".

"What, with the bad temper and not being able to sit still?", Amy laughed. "Seb, I could really do with a glass of water right now".

Seb pressed the call button beside the bed and within a few minutes, a nurse entered the room. "Mrs Izambard. It is good to see you awake. You have slept for a while".

Amy looked at Seb with a puzzled expression before turning back to the nurse and on requesting a glass of water, the nurse went off to get it. "Mrs Izambard am I?", Amy giggled. "I quite like the sound of that name. I think I could get used to it".

Seb started to smile. "Well, I think I could get used to you having that name too. It suits you. I honestly don't know why they're calling you that now though. I guess, they assumed with you being pregnant and wearing...".

"The most amazing and gorgeous engagement ring", Amy interrupted. "I won't tell them if you won't", she laughed as the nurse knocked and made her way back into the room with a jug of water and a glass. Thanking the nurse, Amy poured herself a glass and almost drank it in one go before the nurse, held out a note-pad and pen, asking Seb for an autograph. Smiling, he obliged.

"Hold it there", Seb laughed. "I know you've been asleep for a couple of days but...".

Amy almost choked on the water. Stuttering, she spoke. "I've been asleep for two days?. How in the hell?. What have I missed?".

"You haven't missed anything. The guys have been doing their thing, which has mainly involved lots of using the gym or in Carlos' case, skyping with Jeanette. The doctor told me that you were exhausted but he also mentioned that your blood pressure went really low. It was to do with your body producing progesterone that has caused it", Seb answered. "He's said that you need to rest. He's also said that you will need to have regular medical appointments to check your blood pressure and that the baby is still strong and healthy. He mentioned that they need to look out for something called... ok, I can't remember the name but he wrote it down". Pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket, Amy read the words pre-eclampsia.

"How in the hell can I rest?", Amy replied, her voice getting somewhat louder. "We've still got to finish Switzerland and then there's Italy, France... Oh my God!. I have to make it to France. I'm meeting your parents and I need to be well. Then there's Spain. I can't have pre-eclampsia. That's really bad".

"We can make it through Switzerland without you. You are hereby confined to bed for the rest of the week until we finish here and then you can come back to work. I won't have any refusals from you. I can bring you breakfast in bed and give you massages. You'll love it", Seb laughed.

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