PART 49.

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"Amy?", Seb whispered, as quietly as a man in prayer.

Amy froze. Hold mother of God, she thought to herself, her body seeming to switch to auto-pilot. She was finding it impossible to handle the situation. Hearing her name on his lips was killing her. Her feet rooted to the spot, she could only watch, like a spectator, as Seb stood in-front of her and leaning in, kissed her gently on the cheek. As he did so, he whispered in her ear.

"You know it's love when all you want is for that person to be happy. Even if your not part of their happiness".

There were so many things that Amy wanted to say in that moment but she couldn't even work out where to begin. "Hello", she simply said and then berated herself for such a terrible and un-emotional answer. Come on girl, you can do better than that, she thought to herself. You can talk to him. "How are...".

"There you are", came a further voice approaching Amy. "I thought that you had gone missing in action". Reaching Amy, Melissa continued. "Everyone was asking you to join in the pictures but you had vanished. Guess feminine intuition wins the day and I found...". Melissa stopped mid-sentence when she realised who was stood in-front of her.

"Melissa, this is Carlos and his partner, Lucy and... this is Seb...astien", Amy introduced, lengthening Seb's name when she realised that she had used her nick-name for him.

Lucy held out her hand and Amy caught a glimpse of an amazing diamond ring, sparkling under the lights. "Fiance now. We got engaged about six moths ago. You would know if you had stayed in touch".

Amy knew that she deserved every word that Lucy was speaking. She had betrayed her best friend and now she was paying the price. "I'm really happy for you both. I'm glad that I introduced you. Your perfect together".

"So, this is the guy that you were telling me about earlier. The one that you still have the hots for?", Melissa continued, not realising what she had spoken and looking towards Seb.

In that moment, Amy did not know what to do. She wanted to crawl under the nearest rock at Melissa giving the game away. She thought that she could have been a little more smoother than that and there Melissa was, going straight for the kill. She didn't know whether to kill her or thank her. "On that note, I am going to head back to our party. I'm sure that, as you said, they are missing me by now and I should be doing my job", and with that Amy started to walk away.

"Amy", Seb spoke as she attempted to increase the distance between them. "Please?".

Amy turned and simply said. "Tomorrow night. I'll come to yours" and with seeing a smile appear on Seb's face, she made her way back to Il Volo with Melissa making her way to the ladies room. 

The celebrations went on into the night and Amy called home to be told that Jessica had left after putting Ceridwen to bed and that Peter was more than happy to watch over her. He seemed to be more insistent that she have a great night and promote the company to everybody and anybody. Amy knew that he wanted her to tout for more business clients. They took the party back to the guys hotel some time later and into Gianluca's room, where the champagne flowed.

"Amy", Ignazio spoke, tapping her on the shoulder. "You look distracted there. Can I help you with anything?".

"I'm good", Amy simply replied and then starting to laugh, continued. "It's been a tough week and I've had to put up with you guys. Fending off the paparazzi and all those fans. I've never worked out how you guys cope with all that".

"It's easy once you get used to it", Ignazio replied, taking a sip of champagne, "and now your changing the subject".

"I ran into my ex tonight at the awards and...", and with that the floodgates opened. 

Pour que tu m'aimes encore...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon