PART 6...

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I woke to sunlight streaming through the window and memories of the previous evening came flooding back. That bastard had tried to touch me. I felt unclean. Then I remembered my rescuer and turned, trying to push those thoughts out of my mind.

Seb looked so peaceful asleep. His face was relaxed and every now and then his eyes twitched indicating that he was dreaming. I scanned his expression and saw the faintest smile there which in turn, made me smile.

Our legs had intertwined during the night and his arm was laid around me, drawing me close. I didn't want him to move. In that moment, I could have stayed like that forever and be happy. Under that quilt, in the softest bed and with him. Nothing had happened between us but I felt safe. I felt loved.

I knew I wasn't going back to sleep and there was no way I was going to be able to move but I didn't care. I lay like that, not knowing how long for, but lost in my own world till...

"Are you watching me sleep?", Seb whispered, starting to laugh and I felt myself blushing. "Good morning", he continued pulling his arm more tightly around me. It felt comforting. 

"Good morning", I replied, nestling into his embrace. "Thankyou for last night. I don't know what I would have done without you".

"Your safe now", Seb spoke. "So who was that bastard that did this to you?".

"That was John. My ex fiancé", I spoke. "He was the shitty relationship".

"I see he hasn't lost his charm", he said, reaching over and tucking a piece of stray hair away from my eye.

I started to laugh. "I don't know about that but I'm more than ready to kick him again where it hurts".

I sat up, realising where I was. "Shit... It's Monday and I'm supposed to be in work. I'm so going to get in trouble". I made to get out of the bed but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Amy, it's ok. Your our p.a and technically, your with a member of them now, so it'll be fine. I think they will understand with what's happened".

"Seb, Thankyou again for helping me. But why did you bring me to yours?. You could have taken me to mine and tucked me in", I said turning to face him.

"Amy, call me old fashioned but I felt the need to. I wanted to make sure you were ok. You asked me to stay with you and I did", he whispered.

"Thankyou", I replied. "I couldn't think of anyone else to call. How can I repay you?".

Seb began to grin... "I want what any other red blooded male wants".

I looked at him puzzled.

"Breakfast", he laughed and I felt myself being hugged. "You thought I was going to say something else?".

I felt myself starting to blush. "Stop it, I'm embarrassing myself enough now". I got out of bed. "Would you mind if I took a quick shower and could I borrow something to wear?".

"Yes, not a problem. But on one condition. After you make me a wonderful breakfast, you spend the day with me and we relax together".

"I can do that", I replied and I walked into the bathroom, revelling in the sensation of the hot water on my skin and chuckling at borrowing Seb's body wash. I loved the smell.

Wrapping a towel around myself, I wandered back into the bedroom and there on the bed lay a pair of jogging bottoms and a white t-shirt. I attempted to get dressed but the jogging bottoms were a little on the big side and as the t-shirt reached just above my knees, I decided to go with that. Hey, I was spending the day there.

Wandering into the kitchen, I noted Seb sat at the breakfast bar with a coffee in hand. Walking past him, I felt him staring and turned to find him quickly averting his gaze and going back to his newspaper.

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