Chapter five: Goigoi's return

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Caroline's POV
We left the king. I felt like someone was watching me. Suddenly I heard Chase scream," Move it!" He shoved me out of somethings way. It was Rairai's as evil husband. It was Goigoi. He had returned. I totally forgot about him!

Goigoi laughed. "Ah the lion guard! I finally found you little murderous animals!" He laughed. Huh? I don't think it was us who killed her. It was Shadow, but he is gone now. He had died in a fire that was in his home cave.

We had saved Blue fire and her little tike. He was now named and several months old. He was named Blacki because of his blackish pelt.

Dogo named him that. Instead of a y at the end, there was just an i. Not an ie. Blacki has been very helpful in the past. From a birthday for Kion to a wedding for these two love birds, he was very helpful. The guard was also confused I had noticed. So was Chase. " Wait you killed someone?" He asked, his Hazel eyes being confused.

" That was Shadow's doing. Goigoi is just lying. And sleeping on the job," I protested. Suddenly Goigoi attacked me, raking my belly hard. I didn't yowl or anything. I went on my hind two legs and picked up Goigoi.

I thrusted him by his throat, all the way to the outlands. Goigoi cried out. " I will kill you for what you allowed! You all deserve to die!" Goigoi's rough voice hissed. Well, that could have gone better. I'm still feeling the blood pour out of me.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Snarling a way to success( third in series)Where stories live. Discover now