Chapter sixty-seven: How the...

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Caroline's POV
" Hah. Are you so dull? I found that little dragon and used its power for my benefit and killed that little Mew. I guess I did Mewtwo a favor." Wtino laughed. " You forced Palkia to help you?!" I growled.

Wtino laughed. " Yeah. And I killed that Dino as well." Wtino laughed. " You monster. You killed two Legendary Pokemon!" I snarled. " I guess that they were the weakest." Wtino laughed. " Where was Arceus on this matter?!" I demanded.

" Oh that's the best part. Arceus is evil. Arceus isn't here, so I guess you have to die." Laughed Wtino. " Yes he is. Arceus is in you. You wanted power so you went and ask Arceus the God of all Pokemon and the Alpha Pokemon to help you destroy the lion guard, so they gave you powers." I snapped.

" Wow. You are dead on." Wtinos voice turned more god like. An evil god like. " What?! Afraid to fight a Pokemon?!" Artino asked, laughing hard. " No Pokemon is evil. You are being controlled." I meowed. " Well then, let's shake this Arceus." Chase said.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Snarling a way to success( third in series)Where stories live. Discover now