Chapter fourty: If youre ready or not give it all that you got

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Chase's POV (boy)
I watched in amazement as Caroline handle Janja pretty well. And Wtino. Janja snapped out of the hypnosis. He shook his head. Wtino tried to look someone else in the eyes, but the only one he was able to get was Bunga.

I decided at that time that I had enough of this snake. I went to the bottom of the rock by leaping and I sank my fangs into the snakes body. I can't tell where the neck is, so that's the best I've got.

He yelped and slithered away, yelling a sort of retreat. Instead of letting them pass, I leaped in front of the snake. I batted his head.

" If that's how you want it, runt!" Hissed Wtino. I rolled my eyes. He slithered jumped. I dodged his evil attack. He landed on a stump of a sharp tree. I mean it. He was on a spiked stump.

Everyone else watched. " He's gonna die," Fuli commented. She does know that I have super senses right?

I bunched my muscles and sprang on the snakes back or neck or whatever it was. He hissed as I sliced his head. Not in two, but like Kranes head was. I hit his eye. His right eye, and blood splattered the ground.

Wtino screeched. He was trying to look at me with his right eye, but he couldn't. I made the evil snake go blind in the right eye. Wtino cried out something and ran away. And here is what I heard. " Not my hypnosis!"

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