Chapter fourty-four: Diamonds

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Snarls POV
" Uhh, someone want to get him?" Questioned Leah. " I would, but I don't have the force yet." Caroline joked. " Yeah and my claws can't get him." Ono pointed out. " And I'm too lazy," Bunga said, laying himself out.

" Maybe I can help, dad." A familiar voice said. I spun around to face my daughter, Diamonds. She was a ginger hound with green eyes and a white paw. " She looks like Squirrelflight." Caroline stated. " You always figure out what warrior a hound looks like," Chase pointed out with a wing.

" My daughter." I woofed. I stretched a paw to touch her face. " Daddy!" Diamonds woofed, pressing her ginger face against my flame colored one.

" Who's that?" Bunga asked. " Obviously she is his daughter." Beshte stated. " But what's her name," Fuli pointed out. " My name is Diamonds." My daughter introduced. " So you have a wife?" Questioned Night, a little intense.

" Used to. Her name, was Sparrows. She died in the great hound battle. She had a pale ginger pelt with green eyes." I said. " Sandstorm is what her description sounds like." Caroline mumbled.

" No. She was not like sandstorm. She was more like Lionblaze. Just wanting to help her pack. My other daughter is a little like Sandstorm. Now, Diamonds, can you help Chase get out of the fissure hole?" Night asked. Diamonds nodded, and climbed in the hole.

The thing is, Caroline says we look like warrior cats. We do, but we can climb in holes. There is no HoleClan. Or EarthClan or GroundClan. Even though Caroline stated she had a GroundClan with a Groundstar.

Diamonds reached Chase with her white front paw. Chase took it and the ginger she-hound lifted him out of the hole.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Snarling a way to success( third in series)Where stories live. Discover now