Chapter fifty-four: Total aid

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Caroline's POV
I hate to break hearts, but I think fighting along with Crookedstar is the best. It's like he has ears and eyes on his tail. He knew exactly when Storm tried to approach him. " You are outnumbered, Shadowstorm." Rainfur meowed, sinking his fangs into Shadows ear.

I don't know how spirits can feel pain. A few moments later, finally, Chase and the others show up. Jeez were they all fighting and missing the action?

" You two are surrounded. The others have left." Kion announced. Ohhh, so they finally stopped and gave the other ghosts the boot. Hopefully they gave Goigoi the boot as well. " Uhhh...who's that?" Bunga asked. " Yeah, who are you? And why are you near Caroline?!" Kion roared angrily. Oh StarClan, he just did not yell at Crookedstar.

" Yeah! You're with those other spirits." Chase growled. Really?! Crookedstar only blinked at them. " No, you got it all wrong," Rainfur argued.

" Yeah. Why else would we be still standing here and not attacking?" Crookedstar questioned. " Ahh! Your face!" Fuli yelped. " Don't be alarmed. He's Crookedstar, leader of Riverclan. Or he used to before he died. He had an accident with his jaw when he was a kit. It healed, but it will never look the same." I explained.

" Oh. So his warrior name is Crookedjaw?" Beshte asked. I nodded. "Did he have a name before that?" Ono asked. " Stormkit. After the storm that fell upon Riverclan. His brother was named Oakheart after the oak that saved their mother." Caroline meowed. " Well, good bye. Glad we could help." Rainfur meowed, vanishing into the stars. Crookedstar hanged for a while.

" Let me help you. It's Mwepesi," Crookedstar meowed. " For what?" Blacki asked, but Crookedstar vanished already.

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