Chapter sixty-three:Bienvenidas esto es mi sueño

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Caroline's POV
This seems too easy. Can someone bring Krane here? " I'm sorry dear, but I can't. Even if you have disappeared forever." Goigoi woofed, racing away. Hopefully to the Outlands or the backlands. Or far away from here. Just far away to the ends of the earth will do.

After he ran away from his We all got together to make a plan. " Let's put the plan in Spanish so no one knows!" Chase suggested.

" Or in Adam." I said. " Or Cyd or Barry." I added. " Swahilli is too easy." Kion said. " Or we can put it so small like my brothers writing that they can't tell what it is. Or in plain English." I suggested.

" Or song!" Bunga suggested. " Or we can have the dragon warrior of us hide it!" I said. " Or we can let Leah have it because if someone tries to take it, bam! They get trapped in earth!" Bunga suggested. " Or put something like S.I.M.P something like that so no one knows what it means but us." I suggested.

" What does that even mean?" Beshte asked. " Squirrels in my pants." I meowed. " That's actually pretty smart, but I think I will forget." Fuli meowed. Wow. She complimented me, but insulted the idea all in one.

A roar sounded in the distance. " Scar!" I heard someone growl. Simba. " Scar!" I suddenly gasped. " Who?" Chase asked. " Scar! Mufasas younger brother who is evil and a ghost!" I meowed. " Let's go!" Jasiri laughed.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Snarling a way to success( third in series)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum