Chapter fourty-six: Snarl's true tale

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Caroline's POV
" Now it started a few years back, when me and Sparrows were both explorers. Sparrows was almost ready to give birth to Diamonds and Nyota." Snarl started.

" We were traveling though the prairie. But there was something wrong. All around us there were hounds and prairie dogs fighting. In fact the whole entire prairie was fighting. We were stuck. Unable to get anywhere because this was the Great hound battle!"

" I was trying to keep Sparrows away from harm. Of course she gave birth while this was going on. The great hound battle lasted a few more months. One day, when I was watching over these two, Sparrows wanted to go out and get food. Of course I said yes..."

" What happens next what happens next?!" Bunga interrupted. " She went out for a while. It was beginning to get late. And I notice that she's been gone a long time. I was getting worried, so I told Nyota and Diamonds to stay put. They did. So I went out."

" I searched everywhere, but no hide nor hair of her. I was beginning to think I could never find, when I saw a pale ginger pelt with green eyes that were glazed in the middle of a hound fight. There was a pool of blood around this ginger pelt. I checked it out and it was Sparrows. Trying to stop things for the good of this stranger pack. But she was dead."

Several gasps from the crowd came and Beshte crying a bit. " I asked ' What the Cowboys happened here?! Did you kill Sparrows?!' The hounds all around me said that a guy named ' Shadow' killed her. They said that she did in fact stop this fight from happening, but an outcast came and laughed, and then killed her."

" I asked the folk where this shadow hound went, and they said, 'To the outskirts of the Pridelands to plan something on the lion guard.' Of course I followed him. It took a few years and I had left behind my beautiful daughters, but they were following me the entire time. I finally reached here, but Shadow was already dead. I figured out that the lion guard of today killed him, and I want to talk to them, but before I could, the hounds of today asked me to be their leader. I saw how vulnerable they were so I decided to help them. For they were not this Shadow. And I knew they could be good."

Snarl finished the story and Beshte sniffed. That was a sad story.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Snarling a way to success( third in series)Where stories live. Discover now