Chapter twenty-two: The Outcast

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Chases POV (girl)
I was watching Blacki. He was still unconscious. Still, well, dead like. He suddenly shimmered and shined. My eyes went wide. Is he waking up? Suddenly he disappeared. " No!" I screamed. Leah raced in. " Blacki is gone!" I wailed. " What?! What happened?" Leah asked. " Blacki just disappeared!" I said. " Blue Fire is gonna be even madder than Shadow ever was!" Kion said, walking in.

" We have to find him!" Fuli said, also walking in. Dogo walked in. " Where's he?! He's not here! I'm gonna look for him!" Dogo said. " We all will! I miss the little guy already!" Janja said.

Blackis POV
My head hurts. I woke up to find I was not in the Pridelands. " Where are we?" I asked Mwepesi. She shook her head. " I don't know." She woofed. " Not the Pridelands, that's for sure," I said. Mwepesi suddenly smirked.

" No duh this is not your silly Pridelands," she barked sharply. " Of course not! I just said that it wasn't!" I barked back.

" We are even out past the Outlands! That's far!" I commented. " Yep! Now if you want to go back to the Pridelands, just follow me," she said. My gut suddenly dropped. I'm starting to get the feeling that Mwepesi is evil. Is that a wrong feeling to feel to someone who you don't completely know?

For one, we are going in the wrong direction. And also, this is near where my friend said his father lived. Mwepesi snickered ahead of me. " Whoops, wrong direction," she laughed. Then she bumped noses with a new animal who of which I've never seen.

" Wtino, greetings," she greeted this strange animal. I looked at this weird animal. It was a snake. Huh I remember Caroline telling me about this cobra. This one looks exactly like him. Or whatever the snake was. The snake could hypnotize other animals into doing what he wanted. Uh oh. I think I was right about her. Suddenly my breath was knocked from me.

Mwepesi had her paws and claws on my throat. " Now, you will listen to us, or my friend here will hypnotize you, oh prophecized one," she snarled. I bared my fangs. " What are you gonna do with me?" I growled, my fur beginning to rise.

" All we want is the kingdom of the Pridelands. Tell Simba that there is a new king, or..." Wtino's mouth snapped shut. " We will dine on lion tonight! Starting off with that nuisance of a leader, Kion," Wtino hissed.

I growled. " Simba will never do it!" I snapped. " Hahahahaha! He will if he doesn't want you to die! Or his precious daughter!" He laughed. I snarled. " You twisted vine of a snake!" I growled, eyes wide. " Do we have a deal?" The outlasted snake asked. " Uhhhh... Only if you promise not to kill any of my friends," I barked. " Then it's a deal," Wtino hissed, shaking my paw with his gripping tail.

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