Chapter twenty-six: could be...yes it is too much

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Caroline's POV
I sighed a huge weight as Chase looked into my eyes. " What exactly did you want to meet me here for?" I demanded him. Chase moved a paw. " Well...I thought that we could go for a walk starting right now," Chase said. I tipped my head.

" Why?" I asked. " Stop asking questions! I just thought that you needed a break from the lion guard for a while," he said really quickly.

" Uhhhh...yeah like that is why," I sarcastically said. Chase rolled his eyes. " Why else would I want to take a walk with you," Chase questioned. " Because you actually love me and don't know how to talk to me," I said. Chase shoved me.

" Not true!" He wailed. " It is so true smart guy. Or shall I say fun killer?" I asked. He only licked my ear. Couldn't he had at least kissed me the way a human does? Eh. I don't care. I could care less.

I shoved him into the water. He growled playfully and spat out water. He had a look of determination in his eyes. Uh oh. He pounced. I leaped out of the way. He made a big splash. Hehe.

I laughed at that. He lounged again. Geez I thought he tired out easily. I dodged once again. " I can do this all day fun killer. I've been doing it since I got Pokemon. And I can dodge like a Pokemon," I bragged, but he had already rolled his eyes and leaped.

He easily got me. Dang it. Me and my Loudred mouth. " What was it about being able to go all day?" He growled. Then I realized that I could make his hearing ears hurt. And yes for some reason I was trying to sound like Kaz there.

" Buuuullleettprrroof!" I sang loudly in his ears making him jump ten whole feet in the air. I giggled at him. " Owwwww! Why'd you do that?!" He whimpered. " Because you were on me. And that was Too much, much to handle, yeah it's just too much," I sang laughing at the fact that I sounded like Simba when he was younger.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Snarling a way to success( third in series)Where stories live. Discover now