Chapter thirty-eight: i'm never to much for you to take

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Caroline's POV
" Say good bye, Kitty," Wtino taunted. " Good bye!" I snarled, as Chase ran and mowed over him. Wtino coughed. " You lousy cats. I was just doing what I need to. In order for there to be peace, I need to get rid of the Lion Guard and all those who are tied to them." He hissed, gaining on us.

Chase put himself between me and Wtino. He lashed his tail angrily. " You leave us alone, you brute." Chase growled.

" Not until I get what I want. Which is peace from all these stupid rules you cats make up," Wtino growled, lashing out with his fangs, but Chase put out his shield. Wtino growled in frustration and surprise. My guess is he didn't figure out that Chase has those powers. Bionic powers that is.

Chase used his light stick or whatever you call it. He stabbed the snake in the left eye, and he cried out in pain, and tumbled down the rock to where, surprising Kion and my other friends were lurking.

Fuli basically made the poor snake wish he was dead by now. Bunga got to fart on him. It was funny. " Awwwee! That stinnnnnkssssss!" The snake hiss hard.

Even Kiara got in the action. She kicked the snake across to Mexico. Not literally but it was so far, that the snake hit a tree. Wtino was in a daze. Suddenly he got up and slapped Jasiri. That got both Kion and Jasiri mad so they teamed up and kept hitting the snake in the head.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Snarling a way to success( third in series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang