Chapter ten: A ghost of an animal

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Caroline's POV
I padded to Chase's side, lightly touching his shoulder. He looked over at me. " Where were you?" He asked. " You don't need to keep track of where I am all the time," I said. " Well apparently Kion does. He was worried about you," Chase mentioned.

" What are you saying?" I asked Chase beginning to get weirded out about stuff. " It's nothing personal he just stalks you when you go out alone sometimes and it's really creepy," Chase said. " You're telling me," I mumbled.

He shoved me with his body. " Come on, let's hang out," he said. Ok that's his word for playing. He raced away. I just sat there, watching him. Then Chase playfully ran back to me. " Come on Caroline play with us!" Kion said. My ears flattened. My neck fur rose and my back arched and I meowed," I would, but there's a ghost!" I said. " A ghost! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Bunga yells and totally chickens out and runs up a tree.

" Sorry if I scared you," the ghost said, his silver misty fur showing. He was a ghost Leopard. " My name is Boopu," he introduced, bowing at us all.

" Are you a friendly ghost?" Chase the hawk-raptor asked. " Yes I wanted to stay here so the lion spirits allowed me. And I've came to help," Boopu said. " Did they give you that task?" I asked. He nodded his slick head. " And I've come to help with Blacki's prophecy." He continued, making us all confused except Rafiki. He was still holding Blacki who was still unconscious.

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