Chapter sixteen: Dancing in the rain

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Caroline's POV
We were all in the lair. Well, it was because it was raining. Fuli and Kion didn't want to get wet. I sat there like a Salandit. Except less devilish. More like a regular cat. I stared longingly out at the rain. I really like water. If I were in a clan it would most likely be RiverClan because I love water, and they swim.  And they catch fish. Man, me and Riverclan share so much, no wonder it's my second favorite clan. Oh that's right. ThunderClan is my absolute favorite.

Because of the bravery. And because they developed tree climbing like SkyClan. Then I felt a head. It better not be...." Hi. Do you want to go out in the rain?" It was Chase. I nodded. He chuckled. Man, his chuckles sound like Douglas's. Douglas's when he's not evil. And it is really easy to tell Chase is himself because his tuft on his head looks like Douglas's.

Of course it also looks less spiky. Douglas is the only person who can make spiky hair look good. Did I ever mention to the guard that he's my second favorite, behind Chase and Leo.

Chase shoved me out of the lair into the rain. I began to leap. Then I looked at him expectantly. Chase just gazed at me, his fuzzy tuft waving in the storm. I shook out my fur and got him wet. If Rocky from Paw Patrol got wet, he would be like' Wet! Wet! I'm wet!' Chase put a paw up. His paw got wet and so did his chest.

Bunga laughed at him, and Chase rolled his eyes as if he were too good for us. I found a mud puddle and began splashing in it.

Then I rolled around in it. Then I began to sing Too much by Zendaya. " You ain't ever gonna get it babe," I sung, flicking mud at Chase. Then I began to dance really hard. And really fast. " That's a world record!" Leah purred.

" Like more like two. Chase is so stupid he doesn't even know what she's doing!" Fuli laughed. Chase turned to face her. " I'm not stupid!" He growled. " Do you know she's trying to get you to do whatever she is doing out there?" Fuli asked. Then Chases eyes widened. " What?!" He snarled.

" Yeah we're just too much!" I howled. Then I did a weird move where I basically included pe in my move. It's really hard to do if you don't have agility or quick feet. And it's hard if you trip over in the process. You basically have to put one foot over the other and continue doing that for a while. Until you want to dance like Jasiri.

Chase walked out and he started to dance in the rain. Then we both were dancing in the rain. Kion looks a little irritated. So does Janja. I don't care now. Then I jumped and my paws hit chases head and I basically used Chases head as launch pad.

I did a Mabel Pines flip and everyone laughed at how silly I was. Then it stopped raining but we continued to play, until Boopu stopped us, the real fun killer, not Chase.

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