Chapter fifteen: Dogo's rescue

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Caroline's POV
We raced away. Pelts all touching. " Hurry! We don't have much time!" I said. I suddenly realized that Leah was not with us. She was lagging behind. I halted, which made the others fall into me. Then I fell completely over and Chase Davenport came with me.  " S-sorry!" He said, getting up. Was that a stutter? I shrugged it off. I got up as well. " Why'd you stop?" Kion asked, pushing Chase away from me. " Yeah," Janja said, pushing Kion outta the way.

I pointed with a paw. " We left the princess behind," I said. They were all confused now. " Leah!" I said. " On it!" Boopu said, running and picking her up in his jaws. He's ghost and I don't know how he could have done that.

I sniffed the air. " His camp is around here somewhere. Dogo should be there, the little small thing," I said. Suddenly a paw flashed out of no where. I yelped, and I saw Goigoi. He laughed and tried to claw my throat.

Suddenly a blur flashed by and Goigoi screeched. It was Chase. Then the bird Chase began poking his head. Hard. I giggled at that. " Let's go inside!" I said, scrambling to my paw feet.

Everyone followed me. And don't worry about Goigoi, he is unconscious now. This seemed too easy. Suddenly as we reached a cave, two flashes came and tackled Jasiri and Kion. It was the two evil teen jackals! I tried to help, but then, " Don't worry about us! We can handle ourselves! Go get Dogo!" They called.

I reached the cave with the rest of the guard, well, Fuli insisted on helping Kion, don't know why. We saw Dogo and he was in a bone cage. I reached the cage. " Are yup ok Dogo?" I asked him. He nodded. " Yup I'm ok! You came to rescue me!" He was really excited. Chase pushed me out of the way, and used his light sabor looking bionic power.

We got him out of the cage and ran out. The two teens were left unconscious as well. We raced as fast as we could out so that we didn't get caught by Goigoi. We got out in time.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Snarling a way to success( third in series)Where stories live. Discover now