Chapter twenty: the Coma Zone

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Blacki's POV
Ugh, my head hurts. I opened my eyes. Everything was pitch black, except for a small light in the distance. Where am i? This isn't the Pridelands. I slowly tested out my legs on the squishy black surface.

My paws began to sink in it. I decided to walk because otherwise I was afraid that I would be covered in yuck.

As I continued, a small tan fox ran up to me. " Who are you?" I asked her. She didn't look anything like a regular fox. She was smaller. " I am Mwepesi." She introduced. " And I have come to warn everyone in the Coma Zone that they might stay here forever," she said. " Are you in a coma as well?" Blacki asked her.

" Yes," she said. Then I realized what it would mean for my friends. " Can you help me out of this coma zone? I really need to get back to my friends!" I pleaded. Mwepesi nodded and giggled. " Of course!" Mwepesi replied. " This way!" She yipped, flicking her tail at my shoulder.

" Coming!" I replied, feeling my ear tips flare with hotness. Must be the weather in this coma place. I strutted after her, my paws sticky with black mud.

The Lion Guard and the Lion: Snarling a way to success( third in series)Where stories live. Discover now