I'm scared (kids)

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Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: pregnancy, swearing.


"Hey Nadia." you smiled as you walked up to her toddler bed and picked her up. "Good morning."

Nadia babbled a few words that didn't exactly make a sentence and gave you a wide smile, showing the few teeth are were coming through.

"Do you want go to your daddy?" you asked her, kissing her forehead.

She nodded, "Yes."

You got her dressed into a fluffy onesie and carried her to your and Roman's bedroom. Roman was till laying in bed, probably half-asleep.

You got into the bed next to him and put Nadia in between the two of you. She immediately crawled onto Roman's lap, who was now sitting up with his back against the headboard.

"Daddy!" Nadia cheered as she threw her arms around him. He smiled and pulled her into a hug.

You looked at the photo on Roman's night stand. It was one of you, Roman, Letha and Peter. The four of you were having a movies night at Peter's place. Being Letha's best friend, you still missed her every single day. And you knew Roman did too.

He had told you everything that had happened. Letha's dead, how Nadia got here, everything. At first you were scared, shocked even, and you didn't want to do anything with both Roman and Peter anymore.

But you knew you loved Roman too much to let go of him. And you wanted to help him raise Nadia. For her sake, for Roman's sake and for Letha's.

Nadia said a modified version of your name and you snapped out of your thoughts.

"We watch TV?" she asked with a smirk. The Godfrey smirk, that's for sure.

You nodded, "Sure. Let's get downstairs."

"I'll be down in a few." Roman said with a sleepy voice, leaning towards you to give you and Nadia a kiss.

Nadia held onto your hands as the two of you carefully walked down the stairs and into the living room. She climbed onto the sofa and you put on the TV for her. You handed her a sip cup with juice, because she could get really excited while watching TV and you didn't want her to spill everything on the white carpet.

You walked into the kitchen and starts making breakfast for the three of you. While cooking some eggs, Roman walked by and opened the fridge to get something to drink.

"That's looks delicious." he said as he stood behind you, his head rested on your shoulder. "Oh and those eggs too."

You rolled your eyes and chuckled, "You're awful, Roman."

He planted a kiss on your cheek and slid his hand to your waist and stomach, which made you startle.

"Hey, I'm sorry." Roman quickly said, backing off a little.

You quietly shook your head, "It's okay. It's just.. I have to tell you something."

Roman started munching on some dry cereal and nodded, "What is it?"

You sighed, walked over to the nearby bathroom and came back with something in your hand. You laid it on the kitchen table, pushing it towards Roman.

He looked at it, then at you and then grabbed the pregnancy test. "You're pregnant?"

You kept quiet, but nodded. You knew for a few days, but you were afraid to tell Roman.

"Fuck." he cursed under his breath. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know." you mumbled. You knew why Roman was getting upset, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt you. "I wanted to discuss it with you, obviously."

"Y/N, I don't know if I can." Roman stated, avoiding your eyes. He kept staring at the test. "What if this baby is also upir? And what if I lose you too, like Letha?"

"I know." you replied, turning back to the stove, to make sure breakfast didn't get ruined. "But we don't know anything for sure."

"For fuck's sake, Y/N!" Roman raised his voice, not out of anger but despair.

"Roman, keep it down!" you hissed at him, pointing to the living room where Nadia was still watching TV.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled. He threw the test back on the table and walked over to you. You turned to face him and saw the tears in his eyes, making you sob.

"I'm so sorry, Roman." you cried. "But I think I'm already too far to anything about it."

You felt Roman's arms around you, hugging you tightly. "It's not your fault, Y/N. Not at all. I just don't want to lose you. I can't go through that again."

"I'm scared." you sobbed into Roman's shirt. "I don't know how to cope with this."

Roman tried to comfort you, pressing a kiss on your forehead and wiped away some tears from your cheeks. "I know, I am too. But we'll figure something out. I promise."


Author's note: I loved Roman and Letha's relationship tbh! (Without the youknowwhat part of course xD)

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Where stories live. Discover now