Closet sex (kids)

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Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Smut, swearing, smoking


"Mommy, can we watch a movie?" Isaac asked you with puppy eyes. It was a lazy Sunday and the kids were getting a little bit bored.

You hadn't been sleeping well and Roman had been a tad bit annoyed because, well, you hadn't had sex in about a month or so. And that was showing.

"Yeah sure sweetie." you smiled. "Go get your brother and sister, okay?"

Isaac chuckled and skipped off to the backyard to get Nadia and Oliver. You walked to the kitchen to get the kids some lemonade and cookies, when you saw Roman standing by the open kitchen door, smoking.

"Someone's irritated." you snickered as you grabbed three glasses and pour in some lemonade.

"We really have to let the kids sleep in their own beds." Roman stated, blowing out some smoke.

You grabbed the box with cookies and put them on the tray, next to the glasses of lemonade. You then walked up to Roman and got on your tiptoes to kiss him. "I know, and we're gonna do that soon."

Roman put out his cigarette and threw it in the bin next to him. He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him, kissing your roughly.

"Ew, mommy and daddy are kissing!" Oliver screamed, like he had just seen a ghost.

You saw Roman roll his eyes and you chuckled. You quickly pecked his lips again and mumbled, "To be continued."

You grabbed the plate, the cookies were already taken off by Nadia and Isaac, and you walked to the living room where the kids were waiting for you.

Nadia handed you a dvd and you put it in for them. It was Edward Scissorhands, one of their favorites. You gave each of them a kiss on top of their head as they were munching on the cookies, and you headed upstairs.

You walked into the closet where you kept the freshly washed bed laundry, because the only time you could get stuff done in this house was when the kids were occupied by their movie.

The door closed behind you, something you hadn't done, so you turned around to face Roman. He walked up to you and immediately started kissing you.

"Seriously Roman, here?" you chuckled in between kisses, when he lifted your sundress and pulled down your panties.

He calmly pushed you against the wall and smirked, "Like you give a shit."

You gave him a cheeky smile, which resulted in Roman taking off his pants and boxers and thrusting into you.

"Fuck me, that feels good." you panted.

Roman quickened his pace. "You're so fucking wet, Y/N."

"All because of you." you mumbled, suppressing a moan.

Roman was breathing heavily and you knew he was about to come. You also knew he wasn't the most quiet person, so you quickly pressed your lips on his has he firmly squeezed your hips and came.

"What did you do that for?" he chuckled, pulling out of you and putting his boxers and pants back on.

"Well, you can moan pretty hard sometimes, and there's kids downstairs." you stated with a smirk.

"Fair enough." Roman replied, grabbing your panties from the floor and handing them to you. "Jesus fucking christ, I really needed this."

He placed his hands on your hips, pulled you closer and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him back.

"Yeah you're not the only one." you chuckled after breaking the kiss.

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Where stories live. Discover now