I kinda like you (part 2)

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Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: smoking, swearing, mentions of smut


Next week, same day. You were skipping class once again, but this time you didn't walk to the mall via the fountain. Because you knew he was there. Like he always was.

Roman hadn't really said a lot to you since you confessed to him that you liked him. The two of you hadn't hooked up once this week. And to be perfectly honest, you regretted telling him your feelings. Because you missed every form of contact you have had with him.

As you walked towards the entrance of the mall, you saw him standing there, leaning with his back against the wall and smoking a cigarette. Not knowing what would happen, you doubted if you should walk over to him or not.

He probably saw you second guessing all of this, because he beckoned you. As he always used to do.

You stood next to him, your back leaning against the wall as well. Roman handed you his cigarette and you took it.

"Look, I'm sorry for making things weird." you said, blowing out some smoke.

Roman scoffed a little bit, "Who says things are weird?"

You handed him back the cigarette. "We do. We're practically ignoring each other completely."

"What is it that we're doing now then?" Roman smirked. "Doesn't seem like ignoring to me."

You gave him quite a hard push. "Fuck you, you know damn well what I mean."

"I know." he snickered. "You don't have to apologize though. It didn't make things weird."

You sighed and looked away from him. "Then why were we acting like that?"

He shrugged, as he took another drag. "I just had to think stuff through. And you seemed like you wanted some space."

"Well aren't you the gentleman in all of the sudden." you said, a little bit off with your thoughts. "Why are we talking right now then?"

"Because I finished thinking about things." Roman said with a cheeky smirk. "And I actually kinda like you too."

You threw him a look. "Don't fuck with me, Roman."

"Already did that." he joked, with a wide grin.

You let out an irritated sigh and was about to walk away, when Roman stopped you. "Y/N, seriously. You telling me that you like me, made me think about my own feelings. My feelings for you. And they are definitely present. Like, super present."

"I swear to everything I do and don't believe in, if this is some kind of sick joke; you will regret it." you stated, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

Roman gently placed two fingers under your chin and slowly lifted your head a little bit, so he could place his lips on yours. "I know I'm a dick. But I would never joke about something like that to you."

"Fair enough." you mumbled, a little surprised by how sweet of a gesture this actually was. "I believe you."

"Okay good." he smiled. "Does this mean we can fuck again? Because I actually kinda missed that, to be honest."

"Jezus fucking christ, Roman you are unbelievable." you laughed. "But we sure can."

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Where stories live. Discover now