I think I can fix that (part 3)

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Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: smoking, swearing


"Morning Roman." you smiled at him, when you opened the door and walked outside.

"Good morning, doll." he smirked, leaning in for a quick kiss. The two of you got in his car, ready for a new day of school.

"I think we should tell peter." you stated as Roman pulled up at the parking lot. "He's been extra friendly to me for the past few days. And I don't want him to make a move when we could have avoided that."

You saw Roman biting his lower lip and he sighed. "I don't really want to. I promised him I wouldn't say anything."

You got out of the car, joining Roman to the school's entrance. "We kinda have to. Don't you think? We'll do it quick, like a bandaid."

Roman stopped by his locker and gave you a little nod before you walked off to yours. You saw Peter standing by your locker, because his was close to yours and he held up his hand.

"Morning Y/N!" he smiled.

"Morning Peter!." you replied., opening your locker and grabbing a few books. "Hey, wanna skip first period? Not in the mood for history today."

"Yeah sure." Peter chuckled. "Lets do that."

"Let's do what?" Roman asked, as he joined you and Peter.

You saw Peter's smile disappearing a little bit when Roman asked that. You quickly said, "Skipping history to smoke behind the school. Come on."

You dreaded telling Peter about what you knew, but you just had to let it out. You felt like a horrible friend anyways, so the least you could do is not lie to him anymore. Peter opened the door to the stairs behind the school and took place on one of the steps, Roman sat down on the other side of the step and you a few steps lower, stretching out your legs.

Roman reached in his pocket to grab two cigarettes and handed you one, while Peter lit his own. You took a deep drag and sighed a little as you blew out the smoke.

"Peter, I really have to tell you something." you quickly said, not knowing how you wanted to say it really.

Peter looked at you and smiled, "Let's hear it then."

"I -uh." you began, searching for the right words. God you really didn't want to do this, but he had the right to know.

"I told her you like her." Roman then said, hella casually.

Peter shot him a filthy look, "What the fuck did you do that for?"

"Why the fuck did you tell me, when you know I'm sleeping with her hm?" Roman snapped back.

"Well I was hoping you'd feel bad about sleeping with her while I like her and back off." Peter said in a very pissed off tone. "But by the way you two are acting together, I assume you're still having a lot of fun together."

"Okay wait." you then said, slightly raising your voice. "This is going to get out of hand."

"Told you we should't say it." Roman scoffed a little bit.

"Peter." you said, facing him. "I'm sorry this happened, okay? But I asked Roman to tell me and he didn't want to at first. So it's my fault. And you're a really great guy. You seriously are. But there's nothing going to happen between the two of us. And I'm sorry for that too."

Peter took another drag of his cigarette, blew out the smoke and sighed. "It's fine. You two like each other, don't you?"

He quickly looked at Roman and then back at you. You gave him a quick nod, "Yes."

"Fucking knew it." Peter mumbled, putting out his cigarette against the wall. "I was just hoping I'd had a chance."

A few seconds went by in complete silence.

"I could introduce you to my cousin Letha, if you want." Roman said to Peter with a light chuckle.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea." you said. "Peter's totally her type."

You quickly looked at Roman, who stuck out his tongue at you, and grinned. Peter rolled his at you, "Might as well take the shot."

"She's really nice. I'm sure you'll like her." you said, taking a look at your phone for the time. "We should go back, I think."

You put out your cigarette and got up from the step. You pulled up Roman, who was sighing and whining that the didn't want to get up. Peter helped you and then gave Roman a gently slap at the back of his head.

"Next time, don't tell my secrets to anyone." Peter said with a serious look on his face.

"Unless they're about her." Roman joked, swinging his arm around your shoulder. "Then I'll tell her."

"Fair enough." Peter snorted. "We don't want anymore drama."

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