Save her (part 2)

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Author's note: Little bit of background info: Roman admitted to Peter that he loves Y/N, but Y/N doesn't know this. (also Nadia isn't in here, sorry xD)

Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: blood, swearing, smoking



You sat in the car with Roman and Peter, but you weren't going to Destiny's, where you had been staying for the past months. Roman and Peter had decided that you had to stay at Roman's place, because he had to keep an eye on you.

After Roman had told you that he made you an upir, all hell broke loose. You had broken several of Dr. Pryce's monitors and equipment. Dr. Pryce and Peter had run into the room, to see you break down and crying while Roman was holding you. You wanted to scream at him, hurt him, but you couldn't. Because you knew he only tried to help you. The only thing you were able to do, was give him the silent treatment.

"Y/N, you saved me." Peter said as Roman pulled up at a parking spot near Destiny's apartment. "I owe you so much, okay? And I am really glad that you're still here, that Roman saved you. We didn't want to lose you."

You looked at his bright blue eyes and sighed. Peter got out of the passenger's seat after saying goodbye to you and Roman, and he went off to Destiny's.

You then opened the door of the back and got out to sit on the passenger's seat where Peter just sat. You saw that Roman wanted to say something, but you turned your head and looked outside the window, so he just drove off to his place.

Once arrived at the house, you walked in and immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower. Luckily you and Peter had been spending quite the time at Roman's every now and then, so you had left some of your clothes here.

The warm water of the shower was comforting you and you took a good look at your body. The wounds on your stomach weren't entirely gone, but the bruises and smaller cuts on your legs and arms were already fading. You carefully touched on of the wounds on your stomach, and you felt nothing. It didn't hurt at all.

You sat down on the floor of the shower, pulled up your legs, rested your chin on your knees and you started crying.

After what seemed like hours, you finally got out of the shower, dried yourself and put on some fresh clothes. You eyes were red and puffy from crying, but you honestly couldn't care less.

You walked downstairs and saw Roman smoking a cigarette in the kitchen. You walked up to him, snatched the cigarette out of his hand and took a drag. Roman smirked a little bit, because you always did this when he was smoking. So he knew you were slowly getting yourself again.

"Are you, erm, okay?" he quietly asked, as you passed the cigarette back to him.

You gave him a look. "I sure as fuck am not okay."

Roman sighed a little but. "Fuck, Y/N, I'm sorry okay? I had to act fast and this was the only thing I could think of."

"I know." you replied, as you grabbed a glass and filled it with water. "I'm just somewhat shocked. I know I'm still me, but it sure doesn't fucking feel like me."

You drank down the entire glass of water in one go, but you were still really thirsty.

"You probably need to drink something else." Roman stated, walking up to the fridge and taking out a bag of blood.

Your eyes widened as you saw it. You were scared, but you also felt really greedy. You wanted it, but the thought of you drinking blood scared you.

"I'm n-not gonna- I-I don't know how." you stuttered.

Roman grabbed a cup and pour in some of the blood. He put a lid with a straw on it and handed it to you. "You can't see it this way. That'll probably be easier."

"Roman, I'm scared." you mumbled, looking at the cup. You had only seen Roman drink blood once or twice, and it always made you feel a little uneasy.

Roman got a little closer to you and took your free hand. "You'll be fine. I'm here with you, okay?"

You nodded, sighed and put the straw in your mouth as you closed your eyes. As soon as you felt the blood on your tongue, you caught yourself thinking that this was the most delicious thing in the world, and you wanted more.

As soon as you had finished your cup, you let go of it and it fell on the ground. A little bit of blood splattered on the floor and your eyes watered.

"I don't want this." you sobbed. "I hate this. I'm craving it, but I don't want to."

You turned to Roman and started getting angry with him. "Why the fuck did you do this to me?! You should have fucking let me die!!"

You then wrapped your arms around him and started crying. Roman hold on tight to you and tried to comfort you. "You're going to get through this, and you're going to be fine"


That night, you had a hard time sleeping. You were constantly craving blood and raw meat. Dinner hadn't gotten rid of your hunger at all and you were tempted to get out of bed and walk up to the kitchen to eat some more.

But instead of doing that, you walked out of the guest room and went upstairs to Roman's bedroom. You knocked on the door and heard a 'come in'.

"Can't sleep?" Roman asked you, sitting on the edge of his bed and staring outside the window.

You sat down next to him. "No. I'm constantly hungry. Why can't you sleep?"

"Because of what I did to you." he confessed. "I keep thinking that I shouldn't have done it. I made you hate yourself."

You lay your head on his shoulder. "I don't really hate myself. I just need some time to adjust, I guess. And I'm glad you're here to help me with everything."

Roman sighed a little bit. "You're not mad at me anymore?"

"No. I never really was." you replied, living your head off his shoulder. "I was just in shock."

Roman put his arm around you. "I understand that. But I'm still really sorry that I did this to you."

"It's okay.' you replied. "It really is. You did nothing wrong."

Roman gave you a smirk, "You don't hate me anymore then hm?"

You got up from the bed, closed the curtains and put on the light on Roman's nightstand. "I never hated you. More the opposite actually."

You walked up to the door, to get back to your own room, when Roman said. "I did what I did, because I love you, Y/N."

You stood still not a split second, but then turned around. Roman had gotten up from the bed and stood in front of you, looking you in the eyes. You smiled and got on your tiptoes to press a kiss on his lips. "I love you too, Roman."

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Where stories live. Discover now