Blood thirst (kids)

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Author's note: I'm gonna make this one connected to the other Roman x Fem!Reader + kids fics, that makes way more sense :P (I'm scared Part 1, part 2, part 3, Nightmare)

Pairing: Roman x Fem!Reader

Warnings: blood, needles and stuff like that.


"Y/N?" Roman asked as he walked into the living room. Oliver and Isaac were on either side of you, as the three of you were reading a book.

You looked at him and raised en eyebrow. He was looking nervous, almost concerned as he was walking back and forth. "What's wrong, Roman?"

"I'm out." he stated.

You didn't reply to him and you got up from the couch. "Isaac, Olly, can you please go play with Nadia upstairs? Mommy and Daddy have to talk, okay?"

You handed the book to Oliver, as the twins nodded and they then ran off upstairs, yelling for their older sister.

"You're out?" you hissed a little bit. "How? You said you had enough to last you another week."

"I thought so too, but I was wrong." Roman sighed. "I'm sorry."

You chuckled a little bit, "It's fine, but you really have to tell me on time, so I can prepare."

"I know, I know." he said, pecking your lips. "Can't you give me like a glass full or something?"

You poked the tip of his nose. "You're lucky you're so cute. And that I have a good day."

The two of you walked up to a room at the back of the house, where you 'donated' your blood for Roman to feed on every month. There was a whole installation and all that. You still had no clue what most things were for, but Roman did so that was fine by you.

You took place on the comfy sofa in the corner of the room and waited for Roman to get everything ready. Since it was only a 'quick fix', it didn't take as long as usual.

Roman strapped your arm and you made a fist. Roman looked for the veins and  disinfected the skin there. He then gave you a quick kiss and pushed the needle into your skin, which was something you really had gotten used to.

A few tubes later, he removed the needle and pressed a cotton pad on the place and put some plaster tape over it. He then walked up to one of the cabinet, grabbed a packet of chocolate chip cookies and handed them to you. He sat down next to you and smiled, "Here you go. And thanks, baby"

You practically stuffed a whole cookie in your mouth and mumbled. "No problem babe."

Roman had pretty much no self control anymore, so he drank your blood right out of the tube. He was about to drink the second tube, when the door opened and the three children walked in. Usually you made sure the door was locked or that the kids weren't home, but because of the urge, neither of you had locked the door this time.

"Dad?" Nadia said, as she walked up to him and inspected him. "Are you drinking.. blood?"

It must have looked quite weird, since Roman wasn't a neat drinker when it came to blood. There was still some on his lips and dripping from the corner of his mouth. And Nadia surely was old enough to understand that it was blood.

"I uh." Roman stuttered, quickly looking at you. You had no idea what to do, so you just shrugged a little bit. Roman turned back to Nadia, who had taken a few steps back and was standing in front of her younger brothers.

No one said a word for the next few seconds. You could tell that Nadia was quite scared of what she had just seen, and Roman was about to panic.

"Nadia?" you carefully said. Her big eyes looked at you and you tried your best to sound as sweet and non-scary as possible. "You're right. It's blood. Your dad needs it, and that's totally okay. I'm not scared of it either."

Nadia frowned a little bit. "Why does he need it?"

You looked at Roman, who was still quite in shock, but he gave you a nod. So you tried to explain Nadia and the twins what was up. "Do you remember the story Uncle Peter always tells? The one about the Upirs?"

"Yes, cool!" Oliver grinned, but Nadia 'shh-ed' him. "What about that story?"

"It's true." Roman said, before you could say anything. "The story is true. And Upirs are real."

"I knew it." she mumbled, as she looked at her brothers and then back to you and Roman. "Is Y/N one too?"

You shook your head. "No, I'm not."

"Mommy, can I have one?" Isaac asked, as he pointed at the packet of cookies you were holding. Way to change the subject though.

You chuckled, "Sure honey."

Isaac walked up to you, Oliver following him, and grabbed a cookie from the packet. You were pretty sure that the both of them weren't really aware of what had just happened, but you were already glad they weren't afraid of Roman.

Oliver climbed onto your lap and Nadia slowly walked up to Roman. You pretended you weren't paying any attention to the two of them, but you ended up eavesdropping their conversation.

"I always believed the story was real." Nadia said to Roman, as she sat down next to him. "I think I just felt it."

"That's logical." Roman said, eagerly looking at the few tubes of your blood there were still left. "Nadia, are you okay with me drinking this now?"

She nodded. "Yes, you need it. Is that Y/N's blood?"

"Yeah, how do you know that?" Roman asked as he finished another tube.

Nadia looked a little concerned and she put her arms around Roman's neck and whispered in his ear. "I can smell that."

Roman Godfrey // imagines {requests on hold!}Where stories live. Discover now